Snowdrift: The One.

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Was a massive BEAR!!!!!! " B-b-bear!!!!" I stammered. Suddenly I fainted. Again. I woke up to growling and snorting. The growling and snorting changed to whispers. "Are you sure she's the one Snowdrift." "I'm sure Dono." replied a deep voice. Dono? Snowdrift? The one? Who were these people and what were they talking about. I slowly lifted my head out of the snow and screamed!! The massive bear was there. My scream seemed to scare him, but instead of grunting the bear went ahhhhhhhhhhh. I tilted my head in confusion. The bear sniffed the air then he stepped aside. A magnificent white creature walked from behind him. My jaw hot the ground. It was the White Wolf!!! I felt sick. This isn't real, this isnt real I thought. "Oh this is real alright" the wolf said like he had heard my thoughts. Guess what I did next, that's right, I fainted....

I really hope you all like my story so far

I'll have the next chapter out soon😄😜😉

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