He Hates You so I Love You

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Chapter 1:

Have you ever just been sitting around (most of the time on a laptop or watching Netflix), and suddenly it hit you that you were literally doing nothing productive? I for one get this sudden revaluation all the time, and in response to this thought I normally just say 'Fuck it' to my self and move on with my doing nothing. It works for me to just sit around and read, watch Netflix, and eat. The bonus of course being that I get to lose any weight that I might gain by being able to run up to ten miles in the woods without breaking a sweat.

Now I know what your thinking; 'that bitch must be crazy if she thinks that I'd actually buy that she can run ten fucking miles in the woods!' And trust me if I were a normal human I would think the same thing, but the thing is I'm not exactly normal. That is unless you consider being a werewolf normal. You heard me right, I said werewolf. I'm a normal girl with green eyes and blond hair named Rachel, except for the times when I turn into a white furred wolf that could possibly eat you. I'm joking, jeesh (I'm totally not joking, don't go into the woods at night dumb ass).

So anyways back to my point. I often don't fucking care that I do nothing at all and I never leave the house except for school and pack meetings, but now according to my dad I have to get ready to become leader of my pack one day. Yep, no pressure or anything. Now I know that I'm the oldest and I should have seen it coming, but I just always thought that my younger brother Drew would get the gig. I mean, he is a guy and I didn't think that girls could be alphas, but apparently they can.

So that leads us to were I am right now, getting ready to have a meeting with my dad and quote 'some of his special friends.'

"Miss. Bowers you looks so beautiful in this blue dress" shrieks my maid Ester.

"How many times do I have to tell you Ester to call me Rachel." I smile at her through the mirror. She is standing behind me smiling so big that her face almost seems like it's about to split in two.

"Sorry Miss. Rachel, I just can't help but be so excited! You look so beautiful!" Her voice begins to choke up and by now she's practically sobbing. Ester has practically raised me my whole life and she has always had a habit of weeping over me.

"Well I only look good because of you Ester. There's really no need to cry you know, it's only just a meeting with some of my dads friends." I say the words to reassure her but her face turns stoney so fast that it scares me.

"What did that man tell you was happening tonight?" She grits each word out of her teeth like she doesn't really want an answer to the question. I didn't have to ask who she was talking about. She never really liked my father so she always referred to him as 'that man.'

"He said that before I could be alpha I had to be introduced to some of his special friends."

"The NERVE of that man!" She shrieks the words while stomping her left foot exactly three times. I turn around quickly and grabbed her left arm as gently as I could but just hard enough to make her stop stomping.

"What's going on Ester?" I ask in a frantic voice.

"Ohhhhh!" She moans. I try my best not to role my eyes because I really don't want to hurt her feelings, but Ester is a serious drama queen. "He lied to you baby, females can not become alpha!" She shrieks.

"Wait then why do I need to go to the-" I was interrupted by my door opening. My dads smiling face pokes through the door.

"How's my favorite girl?!?" His smile looks like it's about to break his face in half.

"Dad are females not aloud to be alphas?" The look on his face would have made me laugh under normal circumstances but as of right now I wasn't in the mood to laugh at anything.

"Come down stairs with me Rachel and don't say another word until I tell you too. The no talking rule includes you too Ester." If it was anyone else I would have argued and yelled until I was blue in the face, but since it was my alpha my wolf instinct gave me no choice but to listen to him. I stiffly begin to follow him.


Erik (I've decided to start referring to my dad by his first name since I'm mad at him) stopped me in front of our party room door. You could hear laughter and clanging of glasses from the other side of the food so I knew it wasn't just a couple 'special' friends that my dad had invited tonight.

"Now before I unsilence you, you must let me explain." I gave him a look to kill, he ignored me. "It is true females can not become alphas but you see love, I only stretched the truth! You are still my first child so you at least get to choose who the next alpha will be!" He took a deep breath and wiped a drop of sweat form his forehead, then he said, "You may speak"

"So basicly I can't be alpha but I can choose who does get to be alpha instead of me?" I said in a monotone voice.

"Wa-wait you didn't let me get to the best part! Not only do you get to choose the alpha but also you are going to become mates with the one that you choose! So basically you are going to be like, a co alpha." He said the words like I would be happy. Like I would be FUCKING HAPPY!

"I-I what!?!"

"Don't yell, don't embarrass me, and go and greet everyone."

I suddenly found myself in a room filled with every guy around my age that was in our pack. This should be fun. Please note my sarcasm.


Most girls would have dreamed of this moment. I was in a room surrounded by guys and most of them wanted to marry me. I hated every second of it. I found myself talking to Zach Day half way through the night and I could tell that he was on the edge of tears. Zach was known for his very lovey dovey relationship with his girlfriend Sarah Clark. Everyone was sure that he was going to propose any day now, so it made since that he was scared that I might pick him.

"I don't plan on picking you Zach." I said with a small laugh. I don't think I've ever seen someone cheer up so fast.

"Thank you! I-I mean, well you know with Sarah? And don't take it wrong your pretty and all but... Yah." His face was full of relief and his stuttering made me want to laugh but something told me that I didn't need anymore attention.

"I do need your help though Zach."

"Oh! Anything!"

"Who do you thing my dad would hate the most being alpha?"

Zach looked shocked at first but then a small smile flicker on his face.

"You my friend, are crazy yet still absolutely genius."

"Why thank you love," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Well knowing the alpha he would want someone like him. Someone that is strong, scary, and between you and me not very bright." I laughed at his words but I couldn't help but feel sick in my stomach. Zach was right, if my dad had his way then I would end up married to someone like Logan Withers. Logan was the star of our football team and every girls dream guy, except for mine. Logan was not bright at all and he wouldn't know what passion is if it hit him in the face.

So I just needed to find someone that was the exact opposite of Logan. I needed someone that was more on the loner side. Someone that thought before he went off showing his strength (but he still needed to have strength since he was leading my pack and I didn't really want everyone to die because our alpha couldn't protect us).

But mainly it had to be someone that my dad absolutely hated. That's when I thought of the perfect person; Gavin Winters.

* * * * * * * * * * *


So yep that was the first chapter to my story. PLEASE show what you think in the comments I really like to have reviews! And I do mean any thoughts that you have about the story, even if they are bad. I mean how can I get better if I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Soooo, yah that's it. Please comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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