Chapter 1

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(Her bike above)

*Alarm Blaring*
I reach over and turn the screaming clock off. I glance at the time and see that it is now 4:00Am. I throw the fully duvet of my legs and walk to my adjoined bathroom.

I start with my morning routine, washing my face, brushing my hair and throwing it up in a high pony. I change into a pair of maroon leggings with a white tank top and my white addidas shoes. I went downstairs to my little kitchen and grabbed a water as well as my phone and some headphones and head out of the door.

I live in the middle of no where in a small rustic cabin in the middle of the woods of Tennessee. Some people hate living by theirselves, especially in a place as secluded as my house but I find it rejuvenating.

I start on my usual 10 mile run through the rough terrain of the mountains and forest.
Once I make it back home, I immediately have upstairs and hop in the shower, cleaning off all of the sweat I was covered in from my run. Once I get done, I get out and blow dry my long brown hair.

I go to my room and grab my fighting clothes. Part of the reason I live in the middle of no where is because I have many people in this world that won't me dead. Granted I never did anything to them. You see, I'm what they call "The Shadow Killer". I earned that name when I was 18 and I became the most famous bounty hunter. I have taken jobs from countless Mafia Kings, high tier criminals and more. It pays good, especially when you have a reputation that has never been beat.

My Fighting clothes consist of all black leather jacket and pants as well as black combat boots, and a black t shirt under my jacket. I walk out my front door, not nothing to eat breakfast. I hop on my all black sport bike and head for the city.

I pull up at an old bar, around 6am. the bar has been where I go since before I got my nickname. Once I walk in, I'm greeted with the smell of beer and sweat. I walk over and sit on a bar stool as I wait for the bar tender to notice me.

"There's my Favorite employee" I turn on the bar stool and look at the owner of the voice who happens to be one of my biggest employers. His name is "Ben Howler" he is America's biggest Gang Leader. He is one of the first to find me at age 18 and it was the jobs he gave me that gave me the reputation I have today.
"Benny boy, long time no see" I said offering a slight smirk to which he holds a ear to ear grin

"I've missed you shadow." I guess you could say I've been on a mini vacation after my last job in Tokyo for a druggie that was trying to ship $100k worth of drugs over seas. I had to fight highly trained officers twice my size as well as other drug addicts trying to steal a bit of whatever drugs that could get their hands on.
"I've missed working, that's why I was hoping you would have another job for me?"

His grin turns into a smirk and he leans in a bit to whisper. " follow me"

I get up from my seat and follow him to his office which is located in the back of the bar, seeing as he owns the place.

He unlocks the wooden door and holds it open for me to enter, he then enters and closes the door behind us. His office is pretty basic. There is a gun safe in the right corner as well as bookshelves on the left. In the middle of the room sits a dark wooden desk and chair. In front of the fest is a love couch and a coffee table.
He takes a seat behind the desk and I sit on the couch, with my feet propped up on the coffee table.

"So, I've already given most of my jobs to other bounty hunters. But I saved this one specifically for you, after your vacation."

He reaches into one of the drawers on the left side of the desk and hands me a Manila folder.

I take the folder from him, and begin to open it and look through some of the papers inside.
I automatically lock eyes on the photo of the person of interest. It was a good looking man, I had to admit. He had dark brown hair, almost black that was neatly shaved around the side and long in the middle top of his head. He had brown eyes and a vary defined jawline. I easily memorized his face and began reading his file.

"This is former CIA Agent James Brown. He was fired from his job with the CIA for allegedly breaking CIA Protocol during his last mission."

As Ben tells me more on how this "James brown" lost his job. I read his file with basic knowledge of him. Like, he is 6'2 age is 23. His age actually shocked me, as I am 22 and he does not look that close to my age.

Once Ben pauses talking, I look up at him and close the folder. Having gathered the information that was needed already, even tho I play to take it home and memorize every detail of his life so I can know just about everything about the person of interest.

"So?" I say to Brian my my eyebrow cocked.
"So what, shadow?"
"Why do you want me to hunt him down?"
Ben pauses and just looks at me with a straight face.
"You always tell me the story of why you want me to Catch the person of interest but you haven't said anything but his shoe size? What do you want with an ex CIA Agent. And one that was top of his class might I add."

Ben leans back in his chair and weaves his fingers together, holding them in his mid chest with his elbows resting on the arms of the chair.

"Let's just say I have need of him. Which is why I would prefer you to bring him back alive."

I pause and think about how the heck I'm gonna convince a former agent to come with me willingly, to an unknown bar in outskirts of the city and meet my boss.

"Fine. But since you want him alive it will cost you more. I'm sorry Ben but you know I don't do chauffeur work, and bringing him here alive is gonna be crap."

He grins and sits forward, leaning in his desk.

"I would expect no less for the best. The file is complete with the last place he was seen, as well as every person he has came in contact with within the last 6 months."

I stand up and grab the file, and walk towards the door of his office.
Before I reach the door he begins to speak again.

"Shadow, remember this job does not have a time frame but the faster it's done the faster you get your money."

"You act like this is my first job. Dong worry Benny boy. Your ex agent will be here in no time."

With that, I walked out of the bar and to my bike. I rode back to my house, once I made it home, I saw my front door was wide open.

I quickly reached for the glock 19 that was secretly tucked in the back of my waist band, covered my my shirt and jacket.

I walk slowly and quietly in my front door with my gun raised and ready to shoot at the first sign of life.

Once I cleared the kitchen I went to the small adjoined living area that only constituted of a small couch. The aight before me made me freeze. Sitting on my couch was the person of interest. James Brown.


Hi guys!! Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my new book!! This is the first book I've posted so I'm still learning so please bear with me. Please like and comment!! Thank you!!! 💞💞💞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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