One of the things I like to do whenever I write a work of fiction is to envision what it would be like as a movie, or a miniseries, or even a single-season regular television series. I often find myself jotting down notes for music that I think might be appropriate at certain points in my tale. I have a musical background - I once played the piano many moons ago, and can still peck out a fair tune by ear if need be - so I guess this is not surprising. Anyhow, those fans who helped me by reviewing the early drafts of Resident Evil: Exodus - The Tale of Elza Walker will confirm that I was making musical notes as I went along -- particularly near the end, leading up to the final climatic battle Elza and her friends must endure before escaping Raccoon City.
What I have done is gone back and pulled these musical notes from my old drafts, then fleshed them out with additional appropriate selections into a two-CD "unofficial soundtrack" for Exodus. All of it is Resident Evil music, culled from most of the classic or classic-based videogames (CODE:Veronica being one notable exception). Most of the songs you will recognize, and many are fan faves. I also tried to use leit motifs at certain points -- for example, my recurring use of the Outbreak series theme and variations on it, since Exodus is an Outbreak sequel of sorts.
I cannot post the music itself for obvious legal reasons. What I am doing instead is posting the soundtrack list for both discs, along with my own unofficial album cover art. That way, provided you have access to all of the videogame soundtrack sources from which I culled my choices, you can rebuild the unofficial Exodus soundtrack yourself for your own private enjoyment.
Unofficial Soundtrack
==============================================Disc 01
01 - Main Titles (Outbreak Theme)
02 - Sound of Prototype (RE1.5 Theme, full version with "rolling" intro)
03 - The Dead Police Station (RE2 - "The Marshalling Yard" Part 1)
04 - The First Floor (BH2 Extra - "Drove The Passengers to the Living Dead")
05 - The Second Floor (Outbreak File 1 - "The Plague Cometh")
06 - The Third Floor (RE1.5 - "Mysterious Silence")
07 - Last Request of the Dying (RE2 - "Hope Against Hope")
08 - Elegy for Robert Clemons (RE3 - "The City of Ruin")
09 - The Body Under the Window (BH2 Extra - "The Buildup of Suspense")
10 - Crimson Zombie (RE1R - "Zombie Attack")
11 - The Basement, First Level (RE0 - "The Echo of Darkness")
12 - The Basement, Second Level (Outbreak - "The Fire Within")
13 - Wild Man Rampant (REDC - "In Pursuit of Sherry")
14 - Dead Man Walking (RE3 - "Free From Fear," aka Save Theme)
15 - West Hallway Ambush (REUC - "Live Evil," remix of RE1.5 "The Red Lab")
16 - Separated (RE0 - "Training Hall Ambiance")
17 - Who's That Girl? (RE2 - "Who's That Lady?")
18 - Cerebus Hound (REUC - "Convulsions")
19 - Enter the Hunters (RE1R - "Enter the Hunter")
20 - Hunter Alpha (RE0 - "The Battle Arena")
21 - Hanging on the Edge (Outbreak - "Here, There, Everywhere")
22 - Let's Finish This! (Outbreak - "Distant Future")
23 - Flame On! (RE3 - "Don't Come Any Closer")
24 - Retreat to the Garage (Outbreak - "One Big Mutha")
25 - Flight to the Sewers (Outbreak - "The Waterway of Darkness")
26 - Interlude (Outbreak - "The Big Picture")
27 - Main Titles Reprise (Outbreak Theme Reprise)
28 - We're Lost (Outbreak - "Laying it on the Line")
29 - Sewers Theme (RE2 unused - "Distant Memories")
30 - The Giant Spiders (REDC - "Drainage")
31 - Sewer Zombies (BH2 Extra - "Falling Victim to the Ex-Neighbors")
32 - Into the Depths (Outbreak - "Into the Unknown")
33 - Confrontation (Outbreak - "Results Screen")
34 - Apology Accepted (Outbreak - "Gallery Screen")
35 - Romance Among the Ruins (RE2 - "Leon With Claire," aka "RPD STARS Office")
36 - Exploring the Sewers (RE3 - "The Clock Tower")
37 - Central Hub Terror (RE15 - "Dangerous Explorations")
39 - Sherry Saves the Day (RE1.5 - "Green Corridor Theme")
39 - East Tank Terror (RE2 - "The Giant Alligator")
40 - Rescued! (RE2 - "To Another Nightmare")
41 - To Find the Truth (RE0 - "The Cathedral")
42 - Here They Come! (REDC - "Horror")
43 - End Credits (Outbreak End Credits)
Disc 0201 - Main Titles (Outbreak Theme)
02 - Where Is Everybody? (Outbreak - "Laying It on the Line")
03 - German Doberman (RE1.5 - "Sleeping Dogs")
04 - The Factory Theme (RE1.5 - "Hungry Dogs")
05 - The First Licker Battle (RE1.5 - "Fight With Monster Version 1")
06 - A Time To Mend (BH2 Extra - "Wandering Alone")
07 - Warehouse Explorations (BH2 Extra - "This Is MY Nest")
08 - Primate Surprise (RE1.5 - "The Gorilla Mini-Boss Theme")
09 - An Unholy Vigil (Outbreak File 2 - "Somewhere II")
10 - The Second Licker Battle (REDC - "Licker")
11 - The Back Offices (Outbreak - "Character Select")
12 - Trapped! (Outbreak File 2 - "Where Lions Tread")
13 - A Word of Advice (Outbreak - "So Many Options")
14 - Leg It! (Outbreak - "The Torment of Time Version 1")
15 - We're Not Alone (Outbreak File 2 - "RPD Basement")
16 - Warehouse Search (BH2 Extra - "Under Cover of Darkness")
17 - The First Warehouse Battle (BH2 Extra - "Maximize Your Survival Instinct")
18 - Last Words (RE3 - "Meet Brad Vickers")
19 - The Resurrection of 'G' (REUC - "Sterilization")
20 - The Second Warehouse Battle (REDC - "The First Mutation of 'G'")
21 - Flight Underground (BH2 Extra - "We Will Never Die")
22 - Please Don't Die, Elza (REDC - "Paths Cross")
23 - End Credits reprise (Outbreak End Credits)
24 - Main Titles reprise (Outbreak Theme short version)
25 - Arrival Underground (RE1.5 - "The Underground Lab")
26 - Elza's Loss (RECV - "Lachrymal")
27 - Gurney Search (RE1.5 - "Infection Theme" aka "I'm Watching Over You")
28 - The Revelation (REUC - "July 1998")
29 - A Fateful Encounter (RE1 - "Scary Mansion Music")
30 - The Last Piece of the Puzzle (RECV - "Set Free")
31 - Twenty Minutes (REDC - "A State of Emergency")
32 - Race to the Exit (REDC - "Escape From The Laboratory")
33 - Hunter Gamma (REUC - "White Out")
34 - Five Minutes (Outbreak - "Split Seconds")
35 - Tyrant on My Tail (REDC - "Mass Produced Tyrant")
36 - Race to the City Line (REDC - "Game of Oblivion")
37 - Blackhawk Crash (Outbreak - "The Unpleasant Train")
38 - Kevin and the Tyrant (REDC - "The Theme of Nosferatu")
39 - It's Finally Over (REDC - "The Return")
40 - Requeim for John Kendo (Outbreak File 2 - "Cabin in the Mists")
41 - Exodus Final Credits (RECV - "End Credits")
Resident Evil: Exodus - The Tale of Elza Walker
HorrorISBN 978-0-578-59817-8 Among the many stories that have come to us from the events surrounding the Raccoon City T-virus Outbreak of late September, 1998, is the tale of one particular and remarkable woman. She is a person who by all rights should b...