Chapter 1

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Authors note:

Hi ya! Ok this is a dream I had. Yes this is LOTR fanfic. So just bear with me and enjoy! I know I've already posted this but I got confused so I just deleted it and started over

Amoniel got up off the straw mattress early in the morning. It was still dark out but she didn't need much sleep even with the hours that she worked( dawn to dusk) though she never quite understood why . Amoniel pulled her hair back and smoothed out her plain white gown. She slipped on her black flats and went up to the castle
kitchens.  Amoniel worked for the steward of Gondor. She reached the kitchen and the steward was waiting there with his sons and a pair of shackles. What was he doing awake in the kitchen this early and why did he have shackles. Faramir visited her every-other morning and Boromir visited when he was home, but never had they visited at the same time, and what business would the steward have in the kitchens? Amoniel bowed and said,

"good morning my lords is there something I can do for you ?"

"yes " the steward drawled ,"Boromir if you would"

Boromir asked for her to hold out her wrists and he put on the shackles.

"W-what's going on" she stuttered.

The steward smacked her across her across the face and his ring scratched it. She had been smacked the day before that for forgetting to bow after he dismissed her so it split open the already raw cheek. She winced at the contact.

"it will do you good to remember to speak only when spoken to. These shackles are to ensure you have no chance of running off though my sons are perfectly capable of chasing down a mere woman"

Amoniel walked with the steward in front and Boromir and Faramir on each side guiding her by her elbows. She was then placed on Faramir's horse in front of him after they had reached the courtyard.

"do not worry" he whispered to her," I promise I will not let any harm come to you nor will Boromir "

Amoniel, not wishing to be hit again, squeezed the arm that was around her waist in reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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