love at first sight

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"levi was cleaning his room as usual when he ran out of cleaning chemicals so he went to go get some more, as levi walk to the cleaning store in town he saw someone walk past him with something in their hands, he only got a glims of it but he could see it clear, it was some sort of cleaning chemical in a gallon,

As levi arrived at the store the woman that work there smiled as she knew him too well"

"Hello there levi back for more I presume the lady said"
"Yes I am I just ran out fresh levi replied"
"Ah well I have some new cleaning supplies"

The lady quickly going to the back to get something, comes out with a bunch of cleaning supplies no one has ever seen.

"Here these are just for you, this is a swiffer sweeper and this is a bottle of mr.clean"
She hands levi the cleaning supplies as his eyes lighted up with lust

"Thank you" he replys with a small smile as he runs back all the way to his room closed his door and got two rings, he put one on the swiffer sweeper and one on him then he took out a bible and started to read his vows as he kissed the bride and they lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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