Chapter 30-Run Down This Street

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The car was in silence. Calum didn't move to start the ignition and through the mirror I could still see Mikayla watching us like hawk. It was almost as though she was making sure that we left. I couldn't help but find her position suspicious. What was she doing out here?

Was it possible she might even follow us? Though I knew if we had to take her in a fight we wouldn't exactly come out of it better off. Especially not with Michael in this state. It also wasn't worth putting our treaty with the hunters in jeopardy because of something so trivial. Even if she did try to antagonise us, we needed to stay out of it.

"I'm never listening to you again, Cal." Michael growled from beside me, pulling my attention back inside the car, "Going in there was a bad idea, look now Mikayla even knows that we took those books."

"Excuse me, but you're the one who never said anything about your wound not healing? Besides wasn't it Ashton's or your idea to bring those books up with you in the first place?" Calum growled back, "Don't blame me."

"But-" Michael started.

"Guys, guys enough." I raised my hands between the two of them as they glared at one another from their respective positions. "So, this was mostly a dead end? So, Michael hasn't healed yet? Arguing isn't going to get us anywhere."

Both glowered at me, before turning away with arms crossed and angry eyes. I let out a frustrated sigh. Just when I finally thought we were working as a pack again.

Ashton nodded, "Luke's right guys. We all knew this wasn't going to be that easy. Still, I think we need to investigate this place a little further than we just did. I mean don't you guys think it was suspicious that Mikayla showed up like that?"

"True." Calum nodded.

I glanced out through the front window, noticing that Mikayla still hadn't moved. Surely if she was watching us she would've moved to somewhere a little less obvious by now. Ashton was right, why had she appeared like that. What reason did someone have to have a hunter stationed out here in what was seemingly the middle of nowhere.

"Look, I know none of us are up for it now. Me especially. Yet, I think we should come back here when it gets dark and do another check." Ashton said.

Uncertainty grew in my stomach. Was that the best idea right now? The three of us exchanged glances. Michael pulled a face, and Calum bit his lip.

"Don't you think it would be kind of dangerous for us to be here in the dark?" I frowned. "Besides we don't have much time for a second look."

Both Calum and Michael nodded quickly.

Michael gestured to the map, "There's still heaps more places we can probably search. I think this one's a dead lead Ash."

Ashton frowned, "Well, yeah, but I was thinking with Mikayla here, and this being what Cal saw that perhaps we were in the right spot after all. It seems silly to search somewhere else when this could be right where we need to look "

"True." Calum nodded, gaining him stunned looks from both Michael and myself.

He let out a long sigh, looking back out the window, "This is the place I saw, which means we needed to come here for a reason. I think I'm with Ash, it's worth taking a second look before we move onto those other places."

"But Cal, we're running out of time. Who knows when the Shadow Wolf might catch up with us?" I frowned.

Michael nodded, "One of us is next Cal. We're running out of time."

"I know, dammit." Calum growled. "But wouldn't we be wasting more time if we found that we should've searched here properly all along."

Michael and myself were silent at that. I bit my lip, we were running out of time. That I was completely certain of. Yet, perhaps both Calum and Ashton were right.

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