Thanks (The8/Minghao x You ONESHOT)

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This fiction is heavily inspired and based on Seventeen's Thanks.

"Thankyou for always being here for me, Y/N,"

Those are the words that has always been said to Y/N. When he calls her to pick him up because he got so drunk, when he had his first, and the next hundred, heartbreak,  when he had a hard time with his dancing, when he fell sick snd she stays with him, armed with hot soup and special tissues.

It's no secret to all of their friends that Y/N is madly in love with him. At some point, she's pretty sure he knows it too, but she had never told him directly, so she can never be sure about it.

And she swore she will never ever admit it to him until she's sure that he will reciprocate her feelings.

Having known each other since their teenage years, both Minghao and Y/N had went through a lot together. They met in dance class in their younger days and was assigned as partners for one of the show, and the rest they say is history. They were inseparable.

Minghao finally achieved his dreams of debuting as an idol, where he can finally dance as a career and Y/N succeed in opening her own dance academy. Despite their busy schedule, they still manage to always make time for each other.

Minghao knows exactly what kind of feelings Y/N has developed for him. Its no suprise to him since they spend almost every free time together. It doesnt help that they share the same burning passion for dancing too. Even if he himself didnt notice on his own, its impossible not to with their friends obviously giving hints whenever they all hang out together.

Everytime that happen, Minghao will see Y/N blushed and avoid eye contact with him. He, on the other hand, will just laugh it off and treat whatever his friends are saying as if they were joking, although he knows its very true.

Truth is, he didnt know what he's feeling. When he talks about it with a few of his friends, they say its obviously love. That its too obvious that the two of them were in love and they should just get together already. Sometimes he ponders on their words and no matter how long he thinks about it, he feels that love is too strong of a word to describe his feelings for Y/N. Maybe he cares for her? He can definitely says he cares deeply for Y/N.

For everything she had done for him throughout all the years they have known each other, he's thankful. There's no one in the world that is more important to him than  Y/N in his life.

In his defense, he admits that he doesnt really understand the true meaning of love. Is it the feeling of happiness of being with someone? Is it the feeling of longing?

With Y/N, all he knows is that he always wants her near. Whenever something happen, she will always be the first one he runs to. If he's happy, she will be the first one to know about it. But is it enough to regard all these feelings as love?

Since he cant say that he truly understands what love is, he didnt do anything to encourage Y/N to act on her feelings. He tries hard to find some other words to potray his feelings for her. For all the things she had done so willingly for him. But all he can come up with is thank you. The one thing that he never fails to do is to thank her for her presence in his life. For always being there for him.

He just hoped that Y/N will be patient enough to wait for him to grow up and actually learn the meaning of love.

Minghao just never expected that he will learn it so soon.

During one of their movie nights before the start of he's busy schedule, Y/N seems especially nervous that Minghao starts to notice.

"Hey, you okay?"

Thanks (The8/Minghao x You ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now