Chapter 2

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On Monday sara agreed to be in the mean girl group and aya was mad that she joined them and sara was kinda happy until she heard ghenwa say that she was going to kill aya but sara said hey we should kill someone elsa not aya lets kill reem ghenwa said why reem sara said because she thinks she's better than you ghenwa was so mad she punched a locker and broke the locker and sara she was scared.

The next day ghenwa told reem hey your dead meat you think your better than me reem said yeah so what are you going to do about it ghenwa said im going to kill you.

reem says ok i would like to see you

try and kill me ghenwa says not here  somewhere were no one can see (muahahahaha) sara ghenwa said yea said Sara  ghenwa says get my nife ready and somewhere to barry her sara says ok sure thing.

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