I make friends with a plant

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I was minding my own buisness walking through the forest. I had no idea where i was going. I had a suspicion i was being watched. I looked around there were just trees. Then i see her. A girl with vines around her. She had black hair,an orange t shirt,she was skinny,and vines everywhere. "What the heck" i thought. "Do u need help?" i asked her. "Yes please"she said. I walked over and tried to pull them apart. But i ended up cutting my hand. I looked around and grabbed a rock. I pulled and finally freed her. "I'm landon by the way,son of Hades"I said. She backed away a little bit. "Im not going to hurt you,i just saved your life" I said. Then it hit me,there was something behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. She was distracting me. She ran off. I chased her. I tripped over a branch. "Why r u running?" i ask. She dosent answer. I get back up and chase after her. I dont see her anymore. She appeared again. "Im sorry" She said" there was a hellhound behind you,but it ran away probbaly because you're a son of hades." "Neat" I said. "Im Kayla, daughter of Demeter" "The plant goddess?" I ask. "Yes" she said. It was becoming night. "We need to get to camp"She said. We walked quietly for a while. "Are there any other children if hades?" I ask. "Yes,nico di'angelo and hazel but they're both living in new rome"she says "what year is it?"I ask. "Its 2018" Kayla says. We walk in more silence. "She was very pretty under the moonlight" i thought. "Why were u not at camp?" I ask. She didnt answer. We finnaly made it to Camp half-blood.

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