District Two.

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My mother wakes me up early, shaking my arm, "Clove. Clove! You need to get up, you're late!"

Ugh. I spend half of my life being 'late'. I look up, my vision blurred. I see my Mother hovering above me with her curlers in her dark, already curly hair and only half of her make-up on. "You slept through the alarm. AGAIN!" She says in a shrill voice.

"Ughhhh" I groan. Showing signs of life, my Mother huffs, shakes her head and stalks out of the room with only one of her huge high heel shoes on and muttering about how lazy I am. She slams the door. I roll out if bed and stretch out. My tangled dark hair flops all over my face and I impatiently stuff it behind my ears. I look out if the window. It would have been pitch black if it wasn't for the blinding street lights outside. I don't have to be ready until two, why does my Mother have to wake me up so early?

I huff and try to find some clothes in my huge wardrobe. At last I find some ripped designer jeans and an old white vest. I shove them on and a hoodie on top, I lock my door so my mum can't get in and then I clamber out of the window. I side step across the gutter and climb down to the floor. When I check my watch I see that it's only five o'clock and I regret not trying to get back to sleep. Today is going to be a really tiring day. I walk down the street and step into a side street and find Cato there waiting for me. I give a small grin, I can't manage any more. "Got woken up early too?"

He turns at the sound of my voice. I don't think, I don't need to, I just walk right up to him and hug him. This way we're comforting each other without trying to find the right words and then trying to form a meaningful sentence with them. I don't know how long we're there for but when we part I can see the worry in Cato's eyes and he can probably see it in mine too, we're not afraid of hiding our feeling with each other. It's like there's not a 'me' and a him' it's just an 'us'. We wouldn't be the same without each other.

We don't say anything for a while and just stare into each other's eyes. It's the only way we can show the other what we are feeling. Cato is the first to look away. He clears his throat, I'm not good with words," he says "I know you already know that, but I need you to know that whatever happens we will end up together, if I go and you don't, please don't come after me." He sounds desperate. As if he really wants to get the message into me. "We can't both win. If I go, I will win. I will, for you."

"No one ever wins" I say bitterly."there's just that one person who doesn't die, out of all the 24 tributes, but they might as well be dead. Who would want to live the rest of their life with the nightmares of the arena running through their head every time they want to rest?" This wasn't fair. It wasn't Cato's fault, why was I screaming at him? "Sorry. I didn't mean to go on like that" I say.

"It's okay. Better let all the steam out now rather than later don't you think?"

I check my watch again. 6:50. "I need to get home before my mum finds out I'm missing. I'll see to later." I kiss him on the cheek. I can see in his eyes that he wants to say something else but I just stroke his cheek and say "I love you".

"You too," he sighs. I turn away, "see you later" he says I wave my hand so he can see that I heard him and I carry on walking all the way back to the place that I call 'home' without looking back once.

So this is my first chapter thing and I really hope people like it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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