One: Letters

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SUMMARY: Jimin receives letters from someone named Yoongi every morning. He starts to fall in love with the person behind the letters. But Min Yoongi doesn't exist. At least, not anymore.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains heavy angst and mentions character death. If you are uncomfortable with this, please DO NOT READ IT. You have been warned.


Jimin shuffled out of his bedroom, stifling a yawn as he ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame the bird's nest it had become during the night. The hall was dark as he walked, and he bumped into the wall a couple of times in his drowsy state, but he made it out and into the kitchen relatively unscathed.

As soon as he rounded the corner, he went straight for the coffee machine and flicked it on. He turned and leaned against the counter as he listened to it come to life, smiling in satisfaction as the familiar hiss rang through the small kitchen. But soon, all thoughts of coffee left his mind as something caught his eye, and he felt his breath hitch in his throat when he saw it.

The envelope sitting on his kitchen table was plain. There weren't any identifying marks, no sender, no stamp. Jimin didn't even need to look to know there would be no return address. But as nondescript as the envelope was, he knew that what it contained was something magical. Something to treasure.

Because waking up and finding a letter from Yoongi was the one aspect of his day he enjoyed the most.

Deciding to wait until his coffee was made, he fished a mug from his cupboard and turned back to the machine, whispering under his breath for it to "hurry up, I can't keep Yoongi waiting". Once the mug was sufficiently filled, he turned the machine off and skipped over to the table. Placing the mug on the table with a dull thud - he chose to ignore the spilled liquid sitting around it - Jimin ran the tips of his fingers across the face of the envelope.

The handwriting was neat but it wasn't one he recognised. Seokjin's writing was full of long strokes, the lines flowing seamlessly from one into the other, while Taehyung's was rough and messy, his lines often not meeting properly, like he was in a rush to get his thoughts onto paper.

Yoongi's writing was blockier, the lines heavy and thick as it ran across the paper. It was messy like Taehyung's but it also had some of the elegance of Seokjin's. And Jimin fell in love with it the moment he saw it, his name the only thing on the envelope.

Jimin pulled out a chair, his eyes never leaving the letter as he sat, resting his arms on the tabletop and leaning forward slightly. Pinching the corner between his thumb and forefinger, he pulled it towards himself. It wasn't sealed, something Jimin had always found strange, but shrugged it off as he reached into it and pulled out the letter.

He giggled as he started to read.

My dearest Jiminie,

Yoongi always started his letters with this. A nickname that Jimin had never heard before. Seokjin always called him by his name, and Taehyung had decided that 'Jimin' was too long and had given him the name 'Chim' instead.

Have I told you lately that I love you? I love you so, so much. More than you could ever know.

Jimin had to stop as a blush spread across his cheeks. He squealed, a sound he was glad no one else was around to hear, and covered his face with the letter. He slumped down against the backrest, as giggles wracked his body, his shoulders shaking from the force of them.

I love your smile, the way your cheeks bunch up and force your eyes to close. I love how they turn into crescent moons when you're truly happy, how it's not just your face that laughs, but your whole body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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