You And What Army?

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One text... Maybe he'll be too busy or won't understand. Maybe he changed his number. He'd never change his number, that's stupid. I put my phone in my bag beside the dark leather couch I was occupying. I took a moment to look around the dark bar, glancing at the blonde bearded bartender and the waitresses in long black skirts and red blouses. The dark wood floors matched the brick walls and mahogany bar top. The whole place screamed tapas bar meets speakeasy, my kind of place. A tall, red headed waitress with killer legs and a tan appeared by my side and offered a welcome. Perfect. I felt slightly out of place in worn skinny jeans and flats but the smile on my face would charm anyone. I was good at this.

"Have you been here before?" She asked, flicking her wavy hair over her shoulder. She was stunningly pretty and had green eyes to match. My hazel ones didn't compare and my long but dull brunette hair was lifeless next to hers. I knew her name was Shea before I had walked in the bar and I knew he'd been here with her. The tabloids ate up the small town girl and the big military hero together. I studied her as she pulled out a menu from between her arm and waist.

"No, I haven't, but I've heard good things," at this she blushed and I took the menu from her hand. She obviously took pride in her job and seemed to be pleased with my response, "Can I get a gin and tonic, please?" I smiled up at her.

"It'll be just a moment. My name is Shea, if you need anything at all just let me know. I'll be back with your drink and to check up on you." She smiled again as she walked toward the bar, I watched as she put in my drink order at a small work station and turned to chat with the bartender, so animated. The dark mahogany coffee table stood between me and the cozy fireplace built into the brick wall. I watched the flames and tried not to get too anxious. I was smoothing my hands nervously down my shirt and jeans when Shea came back with my drink. She sat the thick glass on a coaster in front of me while making idle chat about the weather. It was darkening outside as I got in and I could hear the rain pelting the windows. I sipped my drink slowly and waited for anything to happen, something to blame the knot of anxiety on. I'd watched a group arrive and nestle in at the bar, shaking the rain from their light jackets. I was on my second drink when I gave up waiting. I sidled up to the bar to pay my tab and handed Shea my card. She handed me a slip to sign and as soon as I'd ducked my head down, I could feel that familiar wave of electricity, the one that says you're in big trouble and better run. He was here. I looked toward the door as it opened, resisted the urge to bolt, and in stepped the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. Tall, broad shoulders, a chest that could deflect a truck, dark hair cut close and slightly damp from the rain, and well defined muscles... Everywhere. I could only guess what his abs looked like with that Texas tan. His deep brown gaze met mine and I was frozen. His name was right on my lips...

"Jake!" Shea's husky voice went up two octaves adjacent from me behind the bar. His eye contact broke with mine for what felt like an eternity. He glanced to the waitress but then his gaze landed on mine as he started toward my direction, full lips set in a tight line. I was still frozen, shocked he actually came, studying his physique. I recognized his walk, the pea coat, dark tshirt, and jeans with combat style boots he always paired. I ran my hands down my jeans again, wiping the sweat that was forming onto the dark denim and looked away from him. When I glanced back up he was right in front of me, mere inches away with his brows furrowed and a grim look on his face, studying me as I had done to him.

"Jake, what can I get you, babe?" Shea cut in leaning on the bar between us. The top buttons of her blouse came undone and her cleavage was spilling out as she reached her whole body up to kiss my best friend. Ex best friend. I couldn't help but laugh that she thought that I could ever be competition. If only she knew how much I wanted to run out of the bar.

"Old fashioned," He stated, his tone clipped, looking back at me. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or trying to read me. I had to speak first. Shea seemed none too pleased that he was unfocused. She pursed her cute little mouth as she got the bartender moving.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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