Love At First Sight

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Friday Night

Harry stood in front of the painting trying to figure out exactly what he was looking at. He wanted to kill Draco for dragging him out when he had a lot of work waiting for him to do. Harry had never denied that he was a workaholic. He knew it was the main reason he didn't have a love life. he was fine being alone. Well, maybe that last thought was a lie. He would certainly like to fall in love someday. But he had certain criteria for that particular someone. One, they had to have a job, Harry was filthy rich thanks to the Potter and Black family fortune. But he also amassed his own fortune thanks to his investments over the years. He was twenty-one and one of the youngest and wealthiest men in the Magical world. His parents died if Dragon pox when he was just eighteen months and he was sent to live with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin on his mother's side until his Godfather Sirius could return from his trip in the states. Harry did not remember living with his mother's family. But according to Sirius, they were not good people.

Thinking of Sirius still hurt, he died from the backlash of a dark spell when Harry was sixteen. After returning from his trip away Sirius went back to being an Auror. They were very close and Harry was fortunate for the time they spent together. Remus his other godfather changed into his werewolf on the night Harry's parents died and was never seen again. The grief of losing their best friend was too much to bear. But he was out there and Harry had the strangest feeling that even through his madness Remus was looking out and protecting him. Harry stayed away from relationships because he hated that feeling of depending on someone else. It was not his main priority he was still young and in his prime. He was happy for his friends who graduated from Hogwarts and gotten magically bonded and also had a rug rat or two running around them.

Harry graduated from Hogwarts with high honors and although many thought that he would follow James and Sirius and become an Auror, he surprised them by going into business following rather into Lucius Malfoy's footstep. Sirius was close to his cousin Narcissa and Harry spent his childhood bugging the heck out of his Uncle Lucius asking him all kinds of questions. Even going as far as attending meetings with him. When Sirius died he'd moved in with the Malfoy's who treated him like another son. Even though he lived on his own, Sunday dinner's were a requirement death being the only excuse to miss one. His best friend Neville was bonded to Draco not long after they graduated from Hogwarts. And Harry could see Narcissa was holding herself back from setting him up with some eligible bachelor. Neville was pregnant with the family's first grandchild which is why he was here with Draco instead.

"What in the bloody hell am I looking at?" Harry mumbled to himself.

"I've been asking myself that same thing," said a masculine deep voice said beside him.

Harry turned and couldn't help but blink a couple of times staring at the handsome man standing in front of him. Tall, mocha caramel skin and striking brown-green eyes were smiling at him with perfectly straight teeth. Harry realized he was staring but he couldn't help it the man was staring back at him. The man smiled and rubbed his jaw that was sporting a five o'clock shower. "Derek Morgan," the man introduced extending his hand. His accent told Harry and was from the states.

Harry took the offered hand shaking it. "Harrison Black." Their hands didn't separate as they continued to smile and stare at each other. Realizing what he was doing Harry pulled back his hand and was about to apologize but the words still on his lips.

"Do you want to get out of here?" The other man asked. Harry didn't know how to respond. "I've been watching you since the second you walked through the door. I can tell you're not enjoying yourself. And besides that, I find you very alluring." Harry stood there with his mouth gaped open definitely lost for words. "Close your mouth, gorgeous unless you want me to fill it with something more appetizing." Derek smiled and Harry felt his face flushed with heat. No man has ever spoken to him like this before. They are usually afraid or trying to get close him for his money.

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