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Either it be a famous person or a person we just met, we always learn things from the people around us, no matter how little. It could even be from those of a different universe, and we were meant to tell their story.

This story consists of seven boys…
Each showing and giving something that they didn’t even know of.

Kim Namjoon
To show us the position of a leader. To not give up and continue even though anything could be bringing you down. To show us to care and be honest with anyone. But to be a leader isn’t just a position, it’s an action, and one you need to be willing to take through what the world could throw at you. To be brave and never give up.

Kim Seokjin
To show us confidence and to love ourselves. To be kind to others especially the ones that we love, to do anything for the ones we keep close and end up laughing by the end of the night of a bad day. To be the older and mature one at the right moment to make things right and makes sure everyone is happy. To just take care of those who need it, or those we just love dearly.

Min Yoongi
To show us passion and to never give up on our dreams no matter what. To go through barriers that may hold him back, but not enough to stop him from doing what he loves. Even though there might be times when he panics and can’t do what he does at the time, he makes it up to people and tries again.

Jung Hoseok
The one who has gone through a lot of hate. Been through so much changes, and almost wanted to quit. Another with a passion keeping him alive. Although he may be more sensitive then he shows, he still continued and became an inspiration to so many.

Park Jimin
To show how to be a really good friend to anyone. By just showing a person they can trust you really would mean a lot to anyone. To be able to talk with someone about how you are feeling is a really great feeling. Also to have a person there when you feel down or lonely is really great too. Friendship is a bigger thing than people think it is, and he different knows how to be a friend for anyone.

Kim Taehyung
To show us to be ourselves. No matter how weird people may think he is, he never cared and was always himself and never changed for anyone. We could find people who don’t accept us for who we are, but if we keep being true to ourselves someone will definitely love you for who you are.

Jeon Jeongguk
To show us to stay young and have fun no matter what age you are. But a big thing with this boy right here is that he was raised by all the rest of the group. So he has passion to sing or dance. He has courage to continue what he loves doing even through all the hate. Even though he may be shy, he has definitely tried and is always himself around people, maybe not to some complete stranger, he is definitely shy then, but he easily opens up to people once he gets to know them. And although he may not be the leader type, he definitely speaks up when he needs to. And as for being a good friend, he will always listen to those who speak and would always do what he can to make you happy again, he also hurts as much as his hyungs do when they say they are struggling, so he always cares even if he doesn’t show much.

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