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It was a dark night, old Alfred Stone sat at his campfire, a large bustling city behind him. He had joined up with a small caravan on his way to the next kingdom. A few children and younger men had joined him begging for a tale. Saying things like "Come on old man, you got to have a tale worth telling."
Stone did have a story, a story about a legendary group who would change the world.
It began so long ago.... as a dwarf i have seen many live and die. I have traveled many lands, and i have always watched from afar. But now its my turn... its my time to tell a story. So gather around youngin's and I'll tell you a tale not soon worth forgetting.
Once there was a dwarf named Silence, or at least thats what most called him. He was young, 24 or so, had a bright red ginger beard and loved numbers. Gods be good, never was there a dwarf who would love a number like Silence.
Anyways, Silence had decided that at the age of 24 it was time to see the world. With the constant wars between the races he figured it would be a great time to make some gold and discover legends.
So thats what he did, he left his cozy village of Stonehold, a small town being built into a massive keep by your's truly. Anyways, he headed out with three friends from his earliest days. A boy by the name of God Slayer (a bit pompous but good hearted), a quiet but funny kid named Tren and an older gentleman by the name of DJCoolCrusader.
The four would head out to turn the world upside down. They each had an idea of what they wanted to do but Silence was declared the leader and would make all final decisions. Tren wanted to seek glory as a mercenary, God Slayer wanted to be king and claim the world as his own. Both were right in Silence's eyes.
Silence decided in the end it would be best to start with forming a small mercenary company, of 25 followers. Each specializing in there own style of fighting. Tren a warrior with his mighty sword and shield. God Slayer a pikeman who could knockdown any cavalier. And DJCoolCrusader an archer with a eagles eye around his neck.
Through blood, gold, and glory the small company began to devastate every field of battle they joined. Bringing along legendary members who you might of heard of such as Mathxbr the Quiet, Lapinno "Sarge", Mite the Quick, Noduckras the "Brawler", Sutairn the "Noble", Toppster the "Unseen", ER the "Brilliant", Pancake the "Many Faced".
At first those legendary heros all fought together, many more would join as time went on. Such men as Colyonyt the "Popular", Neerlander the "Noob", Geffe the "annoyed at godslayer". Even an economist by the name of JustWillem who would later play an important role in the rise of The Silent Guard.
They would continue to fight hordes of undead, greenskins and even noble houses. Triumphantly returning from every mission they took on. The Silent Guard could not be defeated.
As these great heros continued to make a name for themselves among the vast world of Twitchecca. Silence knew they still had far to go. But that by slowly making a name for themselves they could continue to expand and grow. And soon grab the greatest of glories by hunting down a legendary beast that is said to haunt these land.
Maybe even one day, founding a noble house, and conquering the world!