Signs Of The Balcoin Blood Line Coming

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I rolled over in my bed still remembering about what my dad did.  Still remembered that I if I haven't touch that amulet that my dad couldn't find me come here and destroy my circle, made my only person that I'm related to by blood leave which is Dianna and make some stupid fake curse so Adam and I wouldn't break up.

I shook the thought out of my head and just stared in the ceilin. At the same time I took up my phone opened it and saw Faye and Melissa from the circle well ex circle texted me. They both said one thing 'we have a problem come to the boathouse now, be there at 10 am Sharp'.

I boat out of bed jumped to the closet and put in a dress decorated witn flower, my knee lenght boot with heels and my leather jacket. I ran through the door.

"Later grandma." I said stopping remembering that she is dead.

I walked through my door outside. I was walking on the sidewalk to the boathouse and then I check the time and it was 9:49 am.

"Snaps I'm going to be late."I said to myself. After walking for about four minutes I saw a vision and then another and then another visions just kept coming all at once. I felt dizzy so bad.


I woke up on the road using my hand to push my body up. And then I remember all my visions, I looked at the time and it was 10:04 am, after seeing this theee was no time for walking so I kept urunning but couldn't manage. At the same time I saw Adam in his truck. Adam was the last person j want to see since he doesn't love anymore sometimes I wish I wasn't that I wasn't too powerful for the elixir so I would forget that I love him.

"Want a lift." He asked.

"No I love the walking its good for me you know, I perfectly fine but thanks for the offer tho." I replied hoping that he would go away.

"No we are already late and this important Faye and Melissa said it in their text messages." He said shaking head.

He does have a point I have to put my troubles aside and do this for the circle.

"You just never give up do you." I said while laughing

"Never, so get in here." He said.

"fine." I said giving in.

After driving for about two minutes of silence Adam said, "so do you know what's so important."

"No but it better be worth it unlike the last time they made it sound like someone was about to die and it was a party." I said wondering if it's another trick.

"Well, we are about to find out." He said


After about three more minutes drive we finally reached the boathouse. We got out of the car and walked in.

"What took you so long." Faye said with  the others looking at us like they were about to ask the same question.

"It's something that happen to me but probably it's my mind working on me because of stress, well what happen that's so important."

"Well Melissa and I were planning a party after all we have our solo magic back but today we went to the store to buy party preparation and then an old lady appeared out of nowhere and told me that 'they are coming the Balcoin bloodline are please tell Cassie Blaike her brothers and sisters are coming for her' and then blood started to run from her nose, mouth, eyes practically everywhere then she fell to the floor and died Melissa and I run as fast as possible and then we send you guys a message. Guys I'm not playing games this is real." Faye said worridly

"That explain my vision of two girl and two boys with the same mark I have in my hand the Balcoin Mark they had it as well, it was a lot of vision of them entering Chance Harbour and destroying ever thing in their path." I said in realisation of the visions.

"So what does this mean? "Adam asked.

"I don't know but before they came to chance harbour they were going somewhere." I said

"Where?" Melissa asked.

"I dont know but I saw a drugs store in my vision." I said turning around.

"Omg this can't be happening." Melissa said holding on to her head.

"As soon as one problem is done a next one appears ." Adam said.

"Screw these people I say we find them and fry their brains after all we're witches powerful witches." Faye practically demanded just like she always does trying to be the boss of everyone. Although she have a point because I'm thinking the same thing.

"Their Balcoin blood with the Balcoin Mark their way too powerful even for the circle." I suggested.

"Well shouldn't Dianna know about this guys she's apart of this we need to warn her or at least give her a heads up." Dianna said.

"Yes right now." Adam said.

Then immediately I felt dizzy just like when I was on the road then I shrieked and started screaming louder then fell but Adam caught me before I hit the ground then everyone crowded around me.

I woke up in the boathouse on the table with everyone walking around in the room. I let out a breath and then everyone ran to me.

"Are you alright." Adam asked.

It's good to know that he stills care, "I'm fine but i had another vision." I replied.

"What happen in the visions cassie?" Melissa asked.

"I heared what they were saying  this time, they were coming for c omming for us." I said.

"Who the circle, why would they be coming we're not even bound anymore all the trouble should have disappeared but instead more's just coming." Melissa said.

"Let them come so I can bury the alive." Faye said squeezing her fist.

"Baby wait." Jake said engulfing her in a hug.

"Let's do this." Adam said.

"There not coming for the circle." I said.

"Then what are they coming for." Melissa asked.

"For Dianna and I." I said with my eyes wide open.


Well guys I know the book just started but I hope your enjoying it. Comment and tell me what you think.

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Love you all 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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