Our discoveries in an ending

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"Morning Papa!" I said, grinning at my still groggy father who sat at his usual spot at the table. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and took a big sigh, "'Lina, donde estas tu mama?" (Where is your mother?) I shrugged as I placed a hot plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him, "Think she said something about having a 'Girl's Day Out' with Carla or something." He nodded and began eating as I rummaged through the cabinet for his pills. I put his two blood pressure pills in a small cup and placed it next to his plate, "Don't forget to take these." He rolled his eyes and mumbled something incoherent but kept eating.

I jogged back up to my room and started getting dressed for school...but where was my uniform? Shit, did I really not get my stuff ready last night? I quickly began throwing clothes around looking for my school shirt and ended up stubbing my toe in the process. "Fucking hell!" I yelped, as I got on the floor and tried to asses the damage. Nothing too serious but damn it hurt. I looked around my now messy room and found my shirt on the ironing board...!how did I over look that? I looked at the clock, 7:30, I'm going to be late and Papa is going to be mad! I quickly got dressed and threw my hair in a quick braid. No time for make up I'll just put it on at school! I ran down stairs, nearly tripped twice, and threw my stuff into my car. I zoomed to school and honestly I have no clue how I didn't get a ticket.

"BRING BRING BRING", screamed the bell as I sat down in my desk. Damn that was close! "That was a little close Fuentes." My teacher, Mr. Clark, grumbled. I gave him a cheesy grin and grabbed a book from under my desk. "Alright class now today we are continuing our study on human DNA. In all honesty I am completely exhausted and have barely enough energy to stand and with that being said we are simply going to watch a movie today. Don't get too happy now you still will be getting homework nothing stressful just a little something." Mr. Clark announced as he handed us tiny packets, "In this packet I want you to give me examples about what makes you and your family alike and what makes the individuals in your family individuals. I want this list to be as long and detailed as you can possibly muster. The longer the list the better your grade, simple. Now, everyone quiet down and we will begin the film." I looked at the packet and silently groaned. I hated packets/assignments like this.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly minus band but eh oh well. I forgot one piece of music at home and my director blew up at me...was it that big of a deal? NOPE! Fuck her...anyway...I drove up to my house and was excited the see two extra cars in my driveway! THE BOYS WERE HOME FROM TOUR! YAY! I quickly grabbed my bag from the passengers seat and raced inside. I walked into the living room and was greeted by two huge hugs from my brothers. "Lina!" Vic and Mike said in unison, I hugged them tightly and grinned like a fool. They've been on tour for almost eight months so seeing them home was just perfect! "Hey guys!" I said after they put me back on the ground.

"How was school? Do you like your new school? Any friends? Better not have a boyfriend. Since when do you drive? Is that a nose piercing? Why is your hair blue? Are you hungry? Do you have homework?" they said over powering me with questions not bothering to let me even begin answering. "A simple 'Hey Lina we missed you' would be great!" I said sarcastically; they laughed and motioned for me to start answering questions. "School was good, yeah I like it, yes I've made some friends, boyfriend is none of your business, I've been driving for a few months now, yes I pierced my nose, it's blue for a symbolic reason, yes I'm hungry, and finally yes I do have homework. Okay can I breathe now?" I said quickly before they could ask any more questions. Papa laughed at all of us and told us that dinner would be ready in a few minutes.

Mike picked me up and sat me down on his lap like I was still five while Vic began telling me all about the tour. Vic went on and on about the amazing fan base they had and how some told them their survival stories at concerts and how a few fans showed them their scars. He said that these kids are truly amazing and how he couldn't believe that their music was really changing lives like that. Mike then cut in how Vic got Tony drunk and how Tony climbed on top of the tour bus and wondered why no one else was up there with him. I started laughing and then Papa announced that dinner was ready.

Our discoveries in an endingWhere stories live. Discover now