Chapter 1 Lucy Dragneel

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"Welcome to our home, Lucy!" Mrs. Dragneel

"Thank you." I said smiling

I set my bag in the room she showed me to.

I smiled it had been decorated with zodiac spirits.

I got adopted by the Dragneels after my mom passed away and after my dad threw a bottle at me and locked me in my room for a month.

The only way anyone found me was little by little I broke the latch and ran when he was drunk one night.

I frantically told my story to a person down the road.

The neighborhood was shocked.

But I was happy. The Dragneels had happily adopted me into their family of six I had three brothers and a sister. Not to mention a new mom and dad.

I set my stuff down and put my clothes in their drawers.

I took out the photo of me and my mom and put it on my dresser. I touched my finger to her smiling face and a tear fell I wiped it and sat her back down.

I also put my diary there. The only things I had left of her was a necklace that photo and a video of her I was supposed to watch when I was 18 she made that before I was born.

My dad had been happy until she died the drinks took over his mind.

I think he got mad at me because I reminded him of her.

I knew he loved me and only wanted to protect me but he hurt me bad.

He threw a bottle causing me to get 45 stitches and my dad said I fell in our basement.

I used to be so happy. I'd hang out with my friends.

I took care of my dad but the drinks got to him bad.

I never hated my father. I was just mad and sad.

I smiled at Nastu and Luna going at it again someone spilt paint on his football jersey and he blamed her.

I didn't have any siblings no one to take care of.

Everyone looked at me as a broken perfectionist my father bended to his will.

He held fabulous parties but what he didn't know was I was being neglected at the age of 3.

After these parties I cried myself to sleep. The only comfort I found was me holding my moms locket and watching her video.

She loved me so much and it made me cry.

A year after I was born my mother died in a car accident.

She made sure I knew I was loved and cared for.

She would go off work just to take me to the park and slide me down the slide.

She'd brush my hair and sing her song.

It was called Recovering and I listened to it often when I was sad.

I started to write this book to commemorate my thoughts.

Thoughts of my life.

I was 17 and about to graduate I hadn't even thought of my future yet.

Maybe its because I was scared to grow up.

Little by little
Day by day
One step at a time she called the devil
Take back my piece of mind

I listened to that while I wrote a letter to my father.

Hey Dad
Its Luce. I live with the Dragneels now. They're very nice and seem thrilled to have me here.

Hope to hear back from you soon,with love Lucy.

I cried writing that because it seemed sad to me.


"Lucy! Dinner!" Mrs. Dragneel said

"Coming.", I said shutting my book

I walked down the stairs after the bunch had ran down.

It seemed like they had bought a new table just for me.

I smiled and looked for a place to sit.

"Lucy over here." Said Nastu

I sat down and smiled.

"Everyone welcome Lucy she is our legal daughter now so she's your sister." Said Mr. Dragneel

I was chorused by hellos and nice to meet you.

Maybe this is what a family was.

"Now as an official member of our family we stamp your hand with our family crest all the kids have it too." Mrs. Dragneel said getting up and getting a stamp.

I smiled almost in tears I wasn't even their daughter and they were accepting me.

She placed it on my hand and smiled.

Nastu fist bumped me and said "Welcome to the family, Lucy Dragneel."


Author's note: the first chapters always weird but I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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