Author's Message :

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So the reason I wasn't writing for a while was because I got grounded for a few months and I couldn't continue . But I saw all the lovely comments for me to continue and I saw how many people actually read the first chapter when I came back . I just wanted to say thank you💖..Last night I did about 2 chapters, and hopefully I wanna write a couple of them each night because I'm on vacation. I want to apologize too for the spelling , I'm going to try to fix it. Hope you guys enjoy it ! And it's also my first time writing a fanfiction. Usually I would just read them haha, but now it's actually fun writing them too! I enjoy writing what's coming from my imagination 😊 it's good also because we all wanted Justmine together, so by reading , it makes it feel real haha. So continue reading the chapters and stay toon for more !!! Bye💘

Love,Alicia (Author)

Justmine fanfiction part 1 :)Where stories live. Discover now