It's Dark in Here

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*My babies are gay as heck so fight me*

Jim watched, bemused, as Steve and Eli crept along the tunnel in front of him. The trollhunters were investigating a possible blood goblin nest, thinking that it would probably be a good mission for breaking in their new members. It was funny for Jim to see: Steve was almost a completely different person with Eli. He was nervous and shy, but also so much happier. The two kept bumping into each other, and Jim tried not to laugh at the constant back-and-forth stream of, "Sorry! Sorry, sorry... watch out buttsnack! Sorry."

Steve's hands were shaking. He was Steve Palchuk, he shouldn't be feeling so awkward, especially with Pepperjack. Shaking his head, Steve told himself it was just nerves- after all, this was their first trollhunters mission. Then Eli turned, flashing a nervous grin, and Steve felt himself blush. Jeez. This might be a problem.

It was little things: the way Eli hugged him, how he seemed to know so much about everything, how he liked Steve even when it felt like nobody else did. It was terrifying: Steve had never felt like this about anyone, and he doubted Eli thought of him as anything besides a friend and ex-bully.

The blood goblins had created a "nest" of sorts in an old hospital, and the trollhunters exited the tunnel to find themselves in the psychiatric wing. There were goblins everywhere, and when the creatures saw intruders they circled, growling, eyes flashing.

Steve gripped his sword, and alongside him Jim did the same. Then humans and trolls were out among the goblins, a blurred chaos of stone, blood, and flashing weaponry. Eli had nunchucks, and he flailed them at a goblin, but lost his balance and tripped, falling against Steve and knocking both of them over. The smaller boy landed in Steve's lap, and Steve felt his face flame before he shoved his friend off and kept fighting.

Everyone had been drawn into separate rooms, and Steve made sure to keep a close eye on Eli. Then Eli gasped as he realized what the goblins were doing. "Steve, they're trying to seperate us! I bet there's more!" Suddenly, a humongous wave of the ghastly little beasts appeared in the doorway, swelling to fill the room and forcing the two teens closer and closer to a dark closet.

Eli shrieked when one grabbed his ankle, and Steve quickly killed it with his sword, but it was swiftly replaced by another. Then the wave flexed, and goblins shoved Steve and Eli into the closet, sliding the lock and scampering off to rejoin the fight, cackling madly.

Eli pulled a screwdriver out of his pocket, but the closet lock was on the outside, preventing him from simply unscrewing the door. Steve tried to beat down the door but only succeeded in making his hands sore. Then Eli tried calling the other's cell phones, but of course nobody picked up. "I guess we need to just wait until they find us- might be awhile with all those goblins."

The closet was tiny, and Steve was smashed against Eli's tiny body. He could have enjoyed the closeness, but his other feelings were warring for dominance. Then Eli's small hands were wrapped around his. "You're breathing pretty hard Steve, are you claustrophobic?" Steve frantically shook his head, painfully aware of Eli's thumping pulse. "N-no. Just... um, we're pretty close in here."

Eli responded to this by leaning into Steve even more, pressing the bigger boy against the rough wall of the closet. "I like being close... do you?" Eli's hands were now placed on Steve's hips, and the blonde felt new sensations rush in, drowning out the panic. "Yeah, yeah I think I do." Steve hesitated, then put his arms around Eli's shoulders. In the dark, he couldn't see Eli's face, but the smaller boy's hands began to inch under his shirt, slowly and carefully.

"You know, it'll probably be a long time before they find us..." Steve whispered, pulling Eli even closer. "There were a lot of goblins out there, it could be hours..." Eli murmured back. Then they were leaning forward, and Steve felt Eli's mouth on his, and the world was weirdly, wonderfully, completely upside down.

Jim jogged down the hallway with his friends close behind, having finally gotten Eli's messages. "I hope they're okay. That was a long time to be stuck in a closet." Claire laughed and shook her head, saying, "Somehow, I think they're fine." Seeing her friends' confusion, Claire explained, "Have you noticed the way they look at each other? Maybe this is their chance to have a little heart-to-heart."

As they approached the closet, thumps and yells could be heard, echoing down the hallway. "Maybe a goblin got in with them?" said Toby. Blinky and Aargh simply glanced at each other and shrugged. In quick, fluid motions, Jim undid the lock and threw open the door.

Steve and Eli fell out onto the cold linoleum, both boys a sweaty mess. Steve's shirt was halfway off, and Eli's hair was mussed and standing up in all directions. Both their faces reddened and they scrambled to their feet. "Told you so." Claire said, grinning. Steve shrugged and sighed, "Well, secret's out now." He turned back to Eli and swept him into a long, deep kiss. 

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