The Spell

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Being a witch has to be one of the hardest things in the word. At lest in New Orleans. I've spent all of my life reading spells and learning about magic. I had to become fluent in Latin. Now you may think that this would be all fun and games. And yes it can be fun like making flowers bloom in the garden, but it is not at all a game. I leaned that when I was 10.


We had hiked all day though the bayou, to get to a very old cemetery where the first witches are said to be. I hated every minute of it and being the ten year old brat that I was I made it know, loudly.

"Why are we here I'm so bored!" No one minded me much because they had too many other things to-do.

When we had finally gotten to the grave yard I didn't like it. It gave me a creepy feeling. I felt...watched. But I had to brush it off and help set up the candles in a big circle. That being the only thing I could do as I was not yet aloud to do big spells and would only be able to watch that night.

Then the chanting began. As the moon and the sun became one.

"Et potentia et scientia, et mortui, qui nobis vitam tibi dabo!"

My mother started followed by my father, sister, and grandmother.

"Et potentia et scientia, et mortui, qui nobis vitam tibi dabo!"

My Latin was never the best, but I knew what they where saying: Those who have died, give us power and knowledge, and we will give you life.

I still had that creepy feeling and it was only getting worst. I had that feeling of a thousand eyes on me. My very skin crawled. It was then I began to hear what was almost a faint chanting back at us. It was light and carried on the breeze. I didn't know what was being said. But my family began to chant louder the wind kicked up more and more. Till we where in what seemed to be a hurricane of wind and words.

*"Tibi nunc audimus et potestas, et vivere vita nostra, non tua, Deus, voluntatem tuam!"

"No! Stop!" But it seemed I would be too late. They could not hear me. And then as fast as it all began it stopped. Everything was still, much too still. I ran across the circle of candles to my mother and held her tight.

"Mommy what happened? I don't like it. I could hear chanting form the other side."

My mothers hand came down to pat my head. "What a powerful girl you are. Hearing us from the other side. We may be able to use you for our plans."

That was not my mother's voice. She was always soft spoken and kind, the voice that I heard was sickly sweet but with a hard edge that made me know the sweetness was a trick.

"Who are you?" I asked as I pulled away.

The fear was clear in my eyes.

"I'm going to be your mommy form now on and that's all you need to know my powerful girl."

That is when I knew even in my childish mind, I had to get away.

I pulled from her grasp and ran into the woods. I heard them start to come after me.

However the woman who was no longer my mother said to them, "Leave her. We will get her back when we need her."

I ran for hours and yet I did not feel a thing. I did not feel the trees that left deep cuts in my face, or my weak legs giving way under me. All I felt was numb. 

  *we hear and give you power now, the life you live now ours, your will no longer yours.  

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