Chapter 1

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The worry had first flared up in Aargh's chest right after they escaped the darklands, when he could see a deep sadness in Blinky's eyes, which his dear friend was desperately trying to hide under joy at Jim's safe return. Then he burned his precious books; his friends managed to save them, but Aargh didn't think he would forget the frightening expression on Blinky's face- he looked as though he could somehow burn away his pain from Dictatious's betrayal.

And now, the four armed troll was trying yet another tactic: getting totally legless* on troll grog.

At least the humans had gone home before seeing their mentor like this. Blinky was currently sitting at a small table in his library, listlessly tracing designs in the wood with his nails. Aargh tried to discreetly take the bottle sitting by his friend's left elbow, but Blinky lashed out with surprising speed and snatched it first. "Get yur' own, 'his is... mine. *hicc* Pretty shure." He squinted, then took a gulp of it, coughing a little.

Aargh growled softly and grabbed Blinky's arm. "Had enough. Gonna hurt yourself." He paused, then added, "I get Vendel or you stop." Blinky giggled, lolling his head forward. "Empty... 'hreat." He slurred. The bottle slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor. Blinky's face suddenly fell, and he slumped against Aargh's chest with a tiny sigh. "Thought he was... dead. *hicc* stupid... Dic-dictat-ious..." Aargh scooped up his little friend in his giant arms and headed for bed, knowing that sleep was the best thing for Blinky right now, even though it wouldn't help him with the horrible hangover he would have the next day.

Aargh climbed into the bed, then made a little nest of blankets beside him for Blinky. It would be best to keep a close eye on him tonight, and Aargh was never one to reject cuddles anyway. He tucked some blankets over Blinky, who immediately kicked them off, struggling to his feet and making it two steps before falling. Aargh shook his head and pulled his blue friend back to bed. "What are you doing? Need sleep." Aargh rumbled, running a hand soothingly through Blinky's hair. Blinky sighed and snuggled closer before replying, "Missed 'im, such a long time. *hicc* Now he's back, an' it's like losin' him *hicc* all over again. Can't do it again. Just can't..."

Aargh hummed soothingly, rubbing circles on Blinky's back. Aargh didn't remember any of his family, having been kidnapped by Gunmar as a baby, but he knew how Blinky felt- he couldn't imagine any of his friends being lost to him. The bigger troll's fur was getting damp, but he didn't mind: if Blinky needed to cry, he would be there for him, no matter how long it took.

Blinky was getting sleepy, his eyes closing rapidly. He slumped against his large friend with a sigh, breathing becoming even and relaxed as he drifted. Thinking that Blinky wouldn't remember it in the morning, Aargh pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. The blue troll's eyes opened, and he gave Aargh a wobbly smile before falling asleep once more.

*legless is an expression for really drunk- like how people get wobbly and really out of it* (anyways, let me know what you think! :D)

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