Chapter 1: Our life

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(A/n: Hi reader/S/ welcome to my ff.......... your character here is named Xujhin but your unnies call you Xu Xu -except for Tzuyu BTW you call her Twi-)


Xujhin's POV

  We are here in our room, You were dreaming about your bias  _______. ( ;) You decide )
"Unnies!!!! I thought you guys were going to an interview today???" Tzuyu asked.
" y....yeh" You answered  eyes closed. Grabbing a pillow then mindlessly throwing it to you she said, "Then wake up now!!!!!! Eonnies!!!!!" .Showing her 5 cute fingers Nayeon muttered to her dongsaeng, "5 minutes ....5 minutes"
"NE... JEBAL" Like muttering a prayer with her hands closed, literally pleading Tuzyu to stop bugging them so she'd have a nice nap Cheahyun said. Nagging Dahyun puts her point finger near her lips "shhhhh"
"It is still early Tzuyu." Jihyo said without any emotion.
"What time is the interview?" Tzuyu adds. Looking at her phone for the schedule Mine eonnie answered the maknae, "7:00 a.m"
"WHAT???!" Tzuyu freaked out
"You heard the girl, but your still asking? Your so weird, are we the one who needs to adjust? We are not Wall clocks you know?" Being Sana, she answered like Sana.  



"Why what time is it?" Said Momo, Finally murmuring something.

Glancing at the wall clock she regained her composure and stopped herself from freaking out, she casually told you girls the time "It's 6:05 already."

Startled, all of you looked at the wall clock causing Nayeon to jump out of the bed only to go back to sleep while hugging the fluffy pillow, with a cute pillow case.

The time slowly sinking in you and your eonnie's brains you girls finally said something in unison, "BWO?!!!! JINJA?!!!!!!" Except that evil maknae with her smirk showing her cute/evil little dimple.

"ALL OF YOU STAND UP. AND TAKE A BATH, I'M GOING TO GO FIRST IN THE BATHROOM DOWNSTAIRS, XU YOUR GOING FIRST IN THE BATHROOM HERE UPSTAIRS. OK?" Being the good leader, Jihyo already told YOU GIRLS what to do. Being a fan of anime more particularly "Fairytail" You answered like the Blue-Flying-Cat in there, and that is Happy, "AYE"
"MINA!" Jihyo added
Startled Mina instantly answered, "YES?!!"
"AFTER ME YOUR NEXT. IT'S UP TO YOU GUYS WITH WHO'S NEXT. DAHYUNIE REMEMBER YOUR GOING TO TAKE A BATH AFTER EVERYONE 'CAUSE YOUR SO SLOW." Not bothering to slow down because they are going to be late, Jihyo answered.
Spotting the Oldest-Bunny still crumpled to sleep Jihyo shouted, "NAYEON EONNIE, WAKE UP ALREADY!!! PPALI!"Startled by the loud voice Nayeon eonnie also shouted, "I'M AWAKE!"

You girls are really like this every time. Our/your life is like a cycle, Twi being the Human Alarm while you are the ones Twi wakes up, EVERY TIME. Well actually  Jihyo eonnie wakes up Nayeon eonnie the most hehe, Jihyo is a good leader -hahahaha- she states what to do every time. While Mina is always next in line to Jihyo when taking a bath while Dahyun is last because she is taking tooooooo longgggg when taking a bath every time. You're so lucky 'cause you'are fast *evil laugh*  you don't know what you girls will do without our human alarm. >heh<. But one thing's for sure............ one thing's never gonnna change............ and that's you girls being late! So catch ya later Imma take a bath already...........................................................

wait something's wrong


WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTT  a minute..........

"eonnies........... I just realized this." You said
"Bwo?" Brushing her teeth Sana eonnie managed to ask you.
"The Maknae line is not invited in the interview...." You answered amused that you just thought about that right now.


<(") -penguin

"Wait wah?!" Jealousy overcoming Nayeon eonnie asked.
" YES!!!!!" Dahyun exclaimed while jumping up and down on the bed.

 Being the thoughtful eonnie Momo eonnie Nags, "Dahyunie don't jump on the bed"

"heheheh ne!" Grinning widely Dahyun answers

"I'm just going to take a bath later ;) Go first eonnies I'm gonna take a bath later...."You suggested

"Jungyeon you go first." Scrolling through her cellphone, Nayeon eonnie lazily muttered. 

"Okie" Jungyeon answered, instantly running to the bathroom while holding her toiletries.

"so jealous" Sana eonnie murmured bitterly.

"It's fine there is no food here, hahaha....." Still thingking about food Momo eonie points out.

Being the playful maknae line you guys easily drain your energy, so you really need food. Pouting Tyuzu firmly said, "Then we are going to cook" Imagining making delicious foods by yourselves made Chaeyoung excited, "yehey!!!!" She exclaimed  

Jeongyeon hearing the conversation made her imagine what will happen if the maknae line will cook. "YAH DON'T COOK, WHO KNOWS MAYBE YOU'LL COMPLETELY BURN THE DORM LIKE THE OTHER DAY! BE THANKFUL THAT WE WERE HERE AND YOU WERE NOT TURNED INTO BARBECUES!" Jeongyeon eonnie shouted from the bathroom. 
"hmpp" Pouting Dahyun said.


"eonnies!!" Missing your eonnies you shouted.

"How was the interview?" Excited to know what their eonnies talked about in the interview Dahyun can't help but ask.

"It was perfectly fine. KAJA, we brought you food let's eat it!" Hungry, Jihyo ran to the table while holding their lunch.
"YESS" Starving Tzuyu said with excitement shining through her eyes
"JOKBAL!!!" Remembering her favorite food being served Momo exclaimed.




Sorry if This story is super boring but please support Author-nim


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