It all started on a snowy Tuesday morning. All the children had to wake up earlier than usual because ether had to shovel their driveways to get to the bus stop. Even little jack the kindergartener had to shovel the drive way because his parents were alcoholics. It started to snow really hard though then jack got covered up and died. His parents found him when they were going out to get more alcohol and tripped on him. So they uncovered him and took his money and bought more liquor. So then all the children was walking to school in a straight line.but then Johnny found out little old tommy didn't make it.They couldn't stop though or they would end up just like tommy. When the kids arrive at bus stop they seen that the bus couldn't make it to the bus stop. So the kids tried to make it to the bus, but dumb old Jimmy ran out into traffic trying to be brave and he got ran over. The car kept going to not even hesitating to stop. Plus all the kids acted like nothing happened at all. The kids got on the bus. Then they start to realized that the bus driver was driving faster and faster. His son was on the bus to and he said dad why are we going so fast. He replied I just can't take it anymore son. Then he slit is throat and the bus flipped over and blew up and every single vehicle that was in the highway blew up with him.