Part 1

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                                              Not Spooky

Finally, it was time to get a Halloween Costume and all Lux's friends were there.

"Why did Lily have to make us all do this" Lux muttered under her breath. She felt the warm air blow into her black leather jacket.

Lily had made all of the girls dress up as pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Lux didn't even want to see that stupid costume. All she wanted to see was a spooky costume that fit her personality.

As the group of the friends walked through the store Lux looked around and saw tons of skeletons and weird scary things. They were so cool to her since her dad worked at the store and brought home the most scary Halloween decorations all the time. Every child came to her house to see the awesome decor.

But she still thought about Lily being so selfish and not caring about anyone else well at least not her. Then lux thought about what she really wanted to be.

"Something spooky but also scary super scary, but again weird-maybe an EVIL villain or an EVIL queen probably Maleficent. She was definitely more scary and weird" Lux thought. Then Lily said something that woke her up out of her daze.

"Lux why are you going towards the scary section" Lily had practically cried.

"B...b...b...because I was in a daze and got confused" Lux said. Lux didn't want to be in trouble. Lily would probably get mad at Lux. That didn't keep Lux from being mad. In fact she was devastated .

"Do you want a scary costume"she yelled again.

Lux didn't say anything she just kept walking

As the group arrived at the aisle, it got worse for Lux. Lily was on to Lux, but Lux kept making up excuses and that was hard for her. But she tried to get away with it .

"uhh why'd I half to do this Lily controls EVERYTHING well I'll just have to go with it"Lux thought in her mad mind .

When the group arrived at the fun costume area (not fun for lux) Lux saw all the boring costumes .

But there was nothing Lux was interested in(that was in that isle).

it was like a nightmare that would never end and she meant never,never end that sent rage though her body like little sparks of fire that felt like a ball of fire

.but then she saw a costume sticking out of the stuffed up costumes lux grabbed it with her hands quickly so no one would see her she didn't want Lily to be mad at her again so she stuffed it under her coat, but she took it out again and said "Lily there's something I would like to tell you I've been wanting a spooky costume and I've been hiding it from you but there is a black and evil villain like Maleficent "Lux said in an ungrateful voice .

"Oh then I guess I was being a little selfish you can get whatever you want".

Lily grumbled Lux ran to the spooky area and dropped the one she had found it felt like she had been locked up in chains and then let free .

She grabbed the Maleficent costume and ran to the checkout area,checked it out,ran back to her friends and said "DONE".

The group of friends who wanted a spooky costume got there's the others got the pink fluffy unicorns. So the group of friends had the best Halloween ever and they all had fun

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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