Chapter One

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    I woke up and groaned when my alarm went of at exactly 8am. School starts at 9am and I need at least 40mins to get ready, 5mins for breakfast and 5mins to get to school. Which leaves me 10mins before class started, which would be the perfect amount of time to casually flirt with Kieran on my way to Maths.

    I stretched and got out of bed. I walked over to check my appearance in the full-length mirror in the corner of my room. I was checking for blotchy skin, or worse.....pimples. After careful scrutiny I nodded with satisfaction, today is game day and that last thing I need is a huge pimple on my face.

    "Today is game day. I, Zandra Miller, will execute all of my routine perfectly. I will ace my Maths test and I will get Kieran to ask me to the Prom."

    I smiled at my reflection, confident that daily affirmation was the best way to start my day. I jumped into the shower and scrubbed every inch of my body. Taking extra time to loofah my feet, knees and elbows. I like them to be super soft.

    After drying off, I carefully detangled my hair. Why was I cursed with super fine hair? As I was detangled my hair my mum knocked at the door. "Sweetie, I have to leave early, I have student dentists in this morning so you will have to take the bus to school today, sorry."

  What?! Now my schedule was totally screwed up.

  "Mum! You could have told me last night. I didn't get up early enough to take the bus!"

  "Guess you'll have to hurry then."

    I scowled at the door that separated me from my mother. Would it have killed her to tell me last night?  I sometimes wonder if I was switched at birth. The daughter of a dentist and a dead beat who left when I was 2 was hardly the kind of stock I felt would mould me into all that I could be. I love my Mum, but I wanted much more out of life then straightening teeth.

    I decided to wear my long red hair in a French braid and tie it off with gold and purple hair ties to maximize my school spirit. Since it was game day, I already had my cheer leading outfit set out. How could I shave another couple of minutes off of my morning?

    I can't forgo makeup and I've already modified my hairstyle, so the best I can do is take the back trail through the woods to school. It was much faster then taking the bus and really how many 16 year olds take the school bus? I would be the laughingstock of school if I did such a thing.

    For the hundredth time I crossed my fingers that my upcoming birthday would result in a car, like I planned. I felt like the only licensed teen on the East side that didn't have my own car. Mum had already gone when I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter. I wanted to eat healthy so I could stay on the top of the pyramid. I had overheard Ellie talking about a weight check so she could take my place. But I won't let that happen, I'll just simply eat healthy and drink water instead of soda. Sure, it will be hard when everyone around me is munching on chips and stuff, but I like to be the smallest one on the squad, the one who got to be on of all the pyramids and doing all the cool stunts.

    I checked my watch and slowed down a bit. I was ahead of schedule. I sat down at the table, munching quietly, thinking about the day ahead and making a mental list to do:

  *Update Iphone to include weekend plans

  *Make final list of people to invite to my b-day party

  *Get supplies and streamers from Mrs Prescott to decorate the football team's lockers

  *Check reference book in library on World War II, for History class

Zandra the Teenage VampireWhere stories live. Discover now