Chapter 1

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"Do we HAVE to move?" was the question I kept asking my parents when they said we were moving from Sinnoh to Unova. I was not enthusiastic about this move. Not one bit. I'd miss so many things. I would miss seeing my friends at my old Pokemon school. I would miss all the usual Pokemon we would see when my mom and I took walks together. Caterpie, Weedle, Metapod, Marill, Azurill, and sometimes we'd see an Arbok. My mom always carried around a Granbull she called Humphrey. At least I'd be seeing more Pokemon.

Right before we left Sinnoh, my mom and dad gave me a gift.

"We know that you don't want to move because you will feel alone and not with your friends," my mom said. "so we stopped by the Pokemart and got you a Pokeball."

I was enthusiastic! My mom always said I wouldn't get my own Pokemon until I graduated from Pokemon school!

"Well come on, let's go!" I said excitedly.

My parents and I all rushed down to the forest where my mom and I took walks. We saw the usual Pokemon we always saw: Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Azurill...

But then I saw a unique one I have never seen before. "Mom, what's that Pokemon? I've never seen that before." I said.

My mom held up her Pokedex and we waited for the results.

"Mareep, the wool Pokemon. Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking."

"IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I was surprised that I didn't scare the Pokemon away.

"Are you sure this is the Pokemon you want?" My dad asked.

"YES." I said.

"Do you want Humphrey to battle it to weaken it?" My mom asked.

"No. No assistance will be needed, mother."

That's when I threw my Pokeball at it. It wiggled two times and to my surprise, Click! It stayed in the Pokeball. I now had my own fluffy sheep!!!

My parents were so excited. They both hugged me and I hugged them back. I let Mareep out of its Pokeball and I pet its fur." IT'S EVEN FLUFFIER THAN I EXPECTED!!!!" I screamed. I hugged it and it nudged my neck.

"Why isn't it shocking me?" I asked. It nudged me again and this time I felt it. "YOWWWW!!!" I yelped.

"Let's see how tough it is," my dad said.

"Mareep, use Thundershock on that tree!" I said and pointed to a random tree in the forest. The Thundershock hit the tree and some leaves turned black from the force of the move.

"It will get stronger in time," my dad said.

I was using Thundershock on anything that I wouldn't get in trouble for using Thundershock on. "Mareep, use Thundershock on that pebble..." "...use Thundershock on that bush..." "...use Thundershock on that other pebble..."

After about an hour of Thundershocking, I could say my Mareep was around level 12. Then we realized we had to get going for our move.

I was complaining the whole way in the car until I fell asleep. I had a dream. A strange dream. I was in a white room. No exit. Nothing. Just a white room. My parents appeared out of thin air. They were smiling at me.

"Hi Mommy! Hi Daddy!" I said.

They vanished.

A guy that had a cap with a "P" and a uniform with the same marking on it appeared with an evil smile. Mom's Granbull Humphrey appeared in front of him. Shortly after that Humphrey vanished. The guy in the "P" outfit grinned a more devilish and sick smile. It almost pained me to look at it. It actually did so I woke up in the car screaming.

My mom and dad looked surprised. "Honey, are you okay?" My mom asked. "What happened?"

"I had this really weird dream-" I was cut off by the sound of something in the air, crashing. I looked out the window and before I could say anything I saw it.

A helicopter was darting right toward the car.

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