New beginnings

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I can't believe it, everything was happening so fast. I actually got the job; it was like everything I ever prayed for was coming true.
Here I was sitting in my old cubical packing up the last of my things just thinking about how much time I spent hoping that I wouldn't be stuck in here and now I dont have to be. After I finished reminiscing on all my horrible moments here I stood up as fast as I could and took one last look at my version of hell and quickly got out and headed to my bosses office in order to pick up my last check. Once I got there I knocked on the door and patiently waited for an response.

"Come in" As I walked in I saw his face twist up as if he smelt something nasty.
"Hello Sam, I'm here to pick up my last check" I said not caring to hide the smile that I was so proudly sporting.
"Here" he said whilst throwing it at my feet.
I simply rolled my eyes and picked it up, I looked at my old boss one last time.
"You know, you should be nice to me I could put in a good word for you"
"HA, I ain't being nice to no sell out"
"Oh please spear me the insults, I upgraded like you thought you did when you sold this company and thought you'd get a higher position but all you got was an even shitter office and a 3% pay rise"
"No, what you did was apply for a position and use your pussy as a reference"
This nigga, I was about to lose my shit but I realised I was better then that now. I forced a smile.
"That's what you wished I did, I was and still am your best employee. The amount of clients I got for this sorry of a place is what kept it running, if you actually did your job instead of harassing women you'd be a big deal but your pathetic that's why your stuck in this mess but let me not keep you, I'm sure you got some sort of job to do" I said as I walked away leaving him dumbfounded "toodles" I said before shutting the door.
God that felt good, I've always wanted to stick it to the men and now that I got my chance it felt sooo fucking good.
I walked out of the building and screamed with excitement as I got into my car and drove home.
You're probably wondering who I am, we'll let me introduce myself I'm Jasmine Coleman I'm an 27 years old African American women. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. I stand at 5"4 (on a good day) with brown eyes, kinky curls, a small button nose, nice medium sized lips. That's what I loved at myself most things on my body wasn't big on me except for my ass which annoys me cause it's all most male employers try to get a peak of. When i was younger i tried hiding it but it was no use so I just embraced it, I like to tell myself that good things comes in small sizes.
I live in Brooklyn now, I know right going from one bum place to another but I had no choice my life's a bit of a mess right now but it weren't always like this my life was what others would call a dream a few years ago.
I was happily married to my childhood sweetheart; Terrence Smith the only man I ever really loved, he wasn't perfect but that's what I loved about him.

I ran as fast as i could down the hall toward his study, all I kept hearing was things breaking and objects clashing together. As I pushed the door open. "Baby, please listen to me" I tried to reason with him from a distance I didn't want to get any closer.
He turned around so quickly I feared that he might have gotten whiplash "LISTEN TO YOU,  why fuck would i do that? So you can lie to me?!?" He roared as he got closer to me with this murderous look in his eyes.
"Baby please I'm not lying, you have to believe me. I know how it looks like but it's not what you think" I said whilst taking a step towards him.
He looked at me as if I insulted him and walked past me I turned around and tried to grab him but he jerked his hand away from me and screamed "don't you dare fucking touch me, i really thought you were different but you're just like the rest of these pathetic hoe's" he spat "but you know what I don't blame you cause I fell for your tricks, I gave you 7 years of my life, married you at 19, a roof over your stupid little head, I put food on the fucking table and jumped through all these stupid hoops... all for fucking what for you to humiliate me by fucking my brother?!?!"
By this point I couldn't help the tears running down my cheeks.
"I'm telling you I didn't fuck your brother, you have you believe me i know what it looks like but please baby I'm telling you i didn't" I pleaded.
He made quick strides towards me and grabbed me by my hair and pulled me towards his desk, I hissed in agony as I felt my hair being pulled by their roots. He picked up some photos from his desk and shoved it in my face "fucking look at them" he screamed "how are still lying when you were seen fucking pictured with him" he screamed in my ears.
I looked at the pictures not believing what I'm seeing.
"There fake, that's not me... baby please" I cried
He let out a dry laugh and let go of me "how could you possibly claim that when multiple people identified you?" Before I can answer he said "you know what I'm fucking tired of listening to you; you've got 2 hours to get your shit and get out my house I want nothing to do with you and I never want to see you around Atlanta again or next time Imma hurt you for real" he said as he turned around and left me balled up crying hysterically.

End of flashback

I sighed as I rested my head on the wheel thinking about how many people didn't believe me. Even my own family didn't believe me so I just had to move away, I wiped my tears and got out the car and walked in my apartment complex, I got in to the elevator and tried to make myself look presentable as possible before heading towards my door, as I unlocked it and walked in I heard little screams of excitement. "I'm home" I announced.
I heard little footsteps coming towards me before I was jumped on by my two little babies Isabella and Isaiah  "mommy" they shouted cheerfully.
I laughed as I hugged them back. " I hope you guys were good for your aunt"
"Like always mommy" Isaiah responded. I laughed as I saw my best friend Amber walk towards us with a sour face.
"What did they do?" I asked
She looked at me with a straight face and then looked at the kids "it's what they didn't do, that's the question you should be asking" I looked back down at my usually well behaved kids, who were trying to back away from me but only got grabbed by Amber. "These little angels got into a fight today literally right outside of there school as I was picking them up" she said while slightly shoving them towards me.
I gave them a disappointed look "what have I told you guys about fighting?"
"They were asking for it mom, they said that our dad didn't want us that's why you're a single mother" Isaiah said while crossing his arms in frustration.
I was shocked, Who knew kids could be so cruel.
I shook my head at them. "Regardless of the matter, you guys know that it's not true. You shouldn't let people get in your head"
"Well we tried to walk away but they kept following us and talking smack so we let them catch these hands" Isabella said.
"That still doesn't justify it" I said to her.
"But didn't you and aunty fight that lady and her friend cause they kept cussing us and I remember you said stop playing with me cause I'm not the one I'll make you catch these hands b" she said while folding her hands.
I got down to her level so she knew that I was serious "do as we say not as we do cause baby girl we're not the same"
She started pouting and mumbling stuff  under her breath.
"What did you say" I challenged her.
"She didn't say a thing mom, it's not her fault I'm the one that started the fight anyway" Isaiah said while standing in front of his twin sister.
"Well for that you both get punished, no electronics for a week. You get home from school you read, eat, wash up and go to bed; do I make myself clear" I asked them looking straight at Isabella.
"Yes mom" they both said.
"Good, now go get a book and read" I said while taking off my heels as they both turned around whilst grumbling. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Gurl you too hard on them you know that" Amber said.
"Well someone has to be or else they'll be the worst part of me and Dom"
She screwed up her face at the mention of my Ex husband.
Me and Amber have been friends since we were  babies, we were born a month apart from each other and we been inseparable. She's like my outside womb twin. Standing at 5"5, she was black like me but she looked mixed with frizzy hair, she had these big sparkly light brown eyes, she had an hourglass figure but with small boobs and a big ass. She was there for me when everything went haywire, she screamed at Dominic and cursed out whoever looked at me funny, she even moved out here with me to help me take care of Isabella and Isaiah.
"Oh please they're the best version of you" she said while rolling her eyes.
"Gurl I know you fucking lying, that little girl got my sharp tongue, her daddy's know it all attitude, his temper and my hands and Isaiah is just an all around mini version of his father, it's like gods punishing me" I said massaging my temples at the thought of him.
"Well maybe the punishment would stop if you just tell Dominic he has two kids"
"How am I supposed to tell my ex husband that hates me, that he has two 5years old kids that he's never met before"
"Well you could always let Nya admit that she knows where we are and have her give Dominic your number so you can talk"
"And risk her marriage, nope she deserves to be happy. And besides I'm doing great with him" I said whilst walking into my room.
"It's not about you, it's about the kids"
"How about this, if I so happen to bump into him I'll let him know"
"You know that ain't never gonna happen"
"You never know, now I'm tired and want to shower, can we please talk about this later?"
"Ight, but mark my word Jas you're gonna feel real shitty about keep this from him"
She said whilst walking out and leaving me with my thoughts, I hate it when that bitch is right.

Hope you guy enjoyed it, it's a little different but yeahhh
I apologise if there's any mistakes

Also i don't know what the cover should be yet if there's any ideas please feel free to message me
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