Chapter 5

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One week later

{Virginia's POV}

Our lives went on as usual for the past week. They boys did some recording and I went along for some of them. Over time, I had gotten to be closer to Alex and found out she was really 15 like me. I got her number and we talk a lot. I also keep talking to Youstina. Since we hung out so much, we gave each other nicknames. They call me Gina or V sometimes. Youstina is Tina, and Alex is Al, or Ariel, because of her bright red hair.

Over the week, the boys had bought more real food so I can cook for them. Calum said we should have a special dinner to celebrate the coming of their album. He wanted to go out but I said I'd make something. I was cooking and texting Al at the same time. She just said that she got asked out by Des. His really name is Toby but he is so desperate he asks out every girl.

Ariel- Wat r u making 4 dinner?

Me- secret and complic8ed recip. Can't tell

Ariel- I bet it will b delish. Gtg. Good luck!!!!

Me- Thanks!! Ttyl.

Now that I was done texting Al, I could focus on my meal. I was in the zone and all I could think about was the meal in front of me. 2 hours later I was setting food for 4 hungry boys and myself. We started sharing things about our day.

"I was on the street today and I saw one of those guessing games where they guess your weight, age, or birth month," Michael said. "There was this girl about Virginia's age and she weighed like 130! Then I was thinking that that girl was really fat," Michael said laughing but stopping quickly when he realized that no one else found it funny. I suddenly lost my appetite and left the table.

{Ashton's POV}

I can't believe Michael just said that!!!

"What am I missing?" Michael asked after she ran off.

"She weighs 150 pounds. She has been called fat all her life and you just added to it," I said to Michael with my voice full of anger and chased after Virginia. I found her in her room curled up on her bed rocking back and forth. I could hear her light sobs. I sat down next to her. "Virgina," I whispered. "Let me tell you a story. When I was about 16 I was really insecure. I always thought that I wasn't good enough. I thought there was no other way so I started cutting. I did that for a while. Then I formed 5SOS with the guys. With help from them and my fans, I stopped."

"How could you just stop?"

"It wasn't that easy. I drew a butterfly on my arm. Any time things got to me I just stared at that butterfly and was reminded of all the fans and the people who love and support me. I haven't done it since," I said ending my story.

"So what am I supposed to take away from this?" she asked.

"Just don't let it get to you and don't be to mad at Michael. So what do you say to going back in and finishing up that lovely dinner?" I asked jumping up.

"Ok. But can you go in before me and tell Michael not to apologize?" she asked.

"Why don't you want him to apologize?" I asked looking at her like she was crazy.

"I don't know. I just don't like it."

"Ok. Sure," I said. I walked into the kitchen before her and Michael started to apologize. I put my hand up the middle of it. "Virginia doesn't want you to apologize to her," I said with complete seriousness. "She is still upset with you but I had a talk with her and calmed her down."

"Thanks Ash."

{Luke's POV}

We watched Ash chase after Virginia. Calum and I just starred at each other and then starred at Michael.

"I didn't know," Michael said quietly.

"Even of you didn't know, it was still a bad thing to say about the girl," Calum almost yelled.

"You are in some hot water mister," I said taking a sip of my drink.

{Calum's POV}

I'm still in shock. I can't believe Michael would say something like that. Luke and I had to tall to him and I had to tell him that it was mean to say that about the girl. Then Ash came in and told him not to apologize. Dinner went on as though nothing had happened and Virginia didn't even seem mad anymore.

{Michael's POV}

I still feel really bad. I was poking my broccoli trying to think of a way to make it up to Virginia. Her birthday is in a few weeks. I'll just have to find out what she likes.

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