00: Introduction.

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"i haven't decided if my words are just gonna blacken and fray the edge of a torn up napkin in the back booth of a dimly-lit cafe or if they're gonna be carved out on the far corner of a kid's arm someday

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"i haven't decided if my words are just gonna blacken and fray
the edge of a torn up napkin in the back booth of a dimly-lit cafe
or if they're gonna be carved out on the far corner of a kid's arm someday.

i don't know if i mean anything
but that's okay. . .

i hope it's okay. . .

is it okay?

what could i possibly say when minds like mine are a dime a dozen, a dime a dozen?

my mouth is full of crushed paper and words
my dreams creak when they're padding across the hard-wood floors of my head. . .

cause people like me are a dime a dozen. . .

please, tell me i'm worth it. . ."

A Dime A Dozen, Elliott.

. . .

I don't really think anybody's gonna see this, but on the off-chance that you do, hi! My name is Elliott. I'm an introverted tragedy still hoping that my chemical romance is gonna reunite in 2019, I down black coffee like it's my only incentive to get up in the morning and let's face it; it is and I hope you'll like this book. The song at the top is my favorite at the moment; I've been listening to it for hours on end. Hours.

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