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"Oh no..." I groan at the sound of my alarm clock, my least favorite sound might I add.

I get up wasting no time. I start my daily morning routine which consisted of me brushing my teeth, hair, put on a bit of makeup, and getting dressed.

Ah which reminds me, let me tell you somethings about myself. My name is Helen Marie Sanchez. I'm eighteen and Mexican, very proud of it as well. A senior at Northside High School.

Now I'm not exactly the very social type. I don't go out to parties, well I don't go out in general. My friend group consists of Veronica, Angie, Jasmine, and Morgan.

They're the type of girls who go out and like partying, that type of stuff. Me? I'd rather stay home and read a good book. We all met through soccer, my dad is our coach.

They've been trying to get me out since Freshmen year, not just to have fun, but to meet someone. They all have boyfriends so usually when we hang out their boyfriends are included unless it's a restricted girls day. I get it, they feel bad for their lonely friend. The thing is, it's never really bothered me that I've never had a boyfriend, it's not a big deal.

My family especially feels bad for me, they always thought that I would be the one to pull someone at least before I graduated, but by the looks of this, it might not happen.

I was laying my outfit down on the bed when I received a text from the group chat.


Verooo⚡️: Soooooo I need a ride?!!

MoMo🌼: Me too!!!

Angieee🚀: So do Jasmine and I!! Elena help ya girls out!💗

You see Helen is my name in English, but in Spanish it's Elena. Considering I'm the only one with a car in this group I'm stuck with always giving rides, at least they buy me McDonalds.

Elenaaa: Yeah I'm on my way for you guys.

Angieee🚀: Thanks babes😉

Verooo⚡️: I love youuu💙

MoMo🌼: You is da best💕

I quickly put on my outfit which was a stripped v-neck shirt, black ripped jeans, and my low old skool vans. I adjust my glasses in the mirror and split my hair in the middle. I usually leave my hair natural because it's long, brown, wavy, and I just like it okay?

I leave my house as fast as I can, not like there's anyone for me to say bye to. My parents are on business trip now, so I don't exactly need to worry about saying bye.

I jump in my black Jeep and drive off to Jasmine and Angie's house, they're the closest to me. They're sisters, but Jasmine is a sophomore, the baby of the group and team.

I beep my horn and wait for them to come outside. Angie gets in the front seat while Jasmine gets in the back.

"It's our senior year bitches!" Angie screams to the top of her lungs.

"Language!" I yell, I've never exactly been one for that language, that's always what my parents taught me.

"Oh right forgot little miss purity ring headass never curses like ever." They laugh.

I flick them off and they gasp.

"How dare you!" We all laugh.

We make it to Veronica's house next. She comes out and we head off to the last house, Morgan's.

"Are you guys excited for our last year in that hell, oh sorry I meant school." We laugh.

"For some of us, we still have two years left!" Jasmine yelled.

"Good luck with that honey." I smile. We all know those next years of high school are gonna be hell for her.

We pull up to Morgan's house and there she is outside, making out with her boyfriend. I honk the horn and they pull away scared while we all just laughed.

"You know sometimes I question why we're even friends." She rolls her eyes while we continue laughing.

"Hey Liam!" We all say while he just waved at us.

"So you catching a ride with him?"

"Or are you gonna ride him?" Angie says which makes me hit her arm.

"Hm well the second option first then the first option." She laughs. I start up the car, we told her we would see her later, and we were off to school.

We pulled up in school and parked in the student parking lot. Just as we were getting out the schools two hottest and baddest boys were pulling up in their motorcycles.

The Dolan Twins. Ethan and Grayson Dolan basically own this school, intimidating everyone here. Their group consists on them, Ryan, James Ian, and Aaron.

I grabbed my bag, sling it over my shoulder, and clutched my book I was reading while looking down. The Sun and Her Flowers was the book I was reading and let me tell you it was great.

I walked with the girls, but we stopped because Veronica wanted to talk with Ryan. They started talking over summer and have been dating ever since, that's the only reason we would even come up to them.

They were talking while Grayson was glancing over at me over and over again. I was blushing no doubt, but to avoid anything I was gonna leave.

"Okay guys I'm gonna go get my schedule, see you at our regular spot." I was walking backwards when my back hit James and he snatched the book out of my hands.

"Where do you think you're going little bookworm huh?" I was jumping trying to get my book considering he basically towered over me.

"Jump bookworm! Jump!" I was getting embarrassed, but then a low voice spoke, putting a stop to all this nonsense.

"James give her the book." He said sternly.

He laughed and continued holding it up, while the girls were urging him to stop.

Grayson stood up and snatched the book from James, pushing him back in the process.

"I told you guys, I'm not putting up with your bullshit this year."

He glares at them while they all just laugh. He hands me my book and I just go straight into school and get my schedule. 

What a way to start off senior year.

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