Getting to Know Me

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Well where do I ever start with this, Hi guys I just realized you all don't really know much about me and I feel like maybe if you get to know me on a personal level you'll come to maybe understand my wacky writing style. 

Well first of all my name is Kung-Pao, yes that's my real name and that's the main reason I make the pun as "Kung-Pao chicken" it's something I've done for years, the origin behind that is back in my elementary days, people would always make fun of me, because of my name, or at least they thought they were making fun of me, I never really minded but as time went on I had really started to embrace the nickname. It just kind of stuck with me. As far as my last name goes, unless I become a nationwide phenomenon, I'm not going to reveal that.

I am a recent college graduate, so I am 22 years of age, and I studied music. Why I studied music, well it has just always really been a huge part of my life. You may notice that my profile image is a familiar face, Joji (George Miller) his lo-fi pop music, or chill music as I like to call it has really helped me through a lot, I can really relate with a lot of his songs, my girlfriend of 7 years left me to pursue other dreams, it was a mutual thing but I was actually getting ready to propose to her, I have the ring and everything, and now it will always be empty. I also told her that I couldn't be just friends after all we've been through and she felt the same way, so we cut the red string and went our separate ways. I was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea; that's where most of my childhood took place and my family and extended family decided to move to America due to the threats of North Korea at the time. We met up with my Uncle and his wife, which he had left the country awhile ago, this was my first time meeting him. He had two daughters both of which had kids, so I knew they were my cousins and yatta yatta yatta, long flashback that will bore millions.

But if you guys want to know anything else just comment what you'd like to know and I'll add it to the bio.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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