Chapter 1

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"Come on just give it a shot you might actually enjoy it," she said.

" There's no way I am wasting my time and holiday in some pointless camp," I shot back.
"Nooo and that's final. "
"Fine, have it your way, " she sighed.

Just then there's a knock on my bedroom door.
"I'll get it," I say.
"Whatevs," she says with an annoyed expression on her face.
I guess she's mad at me for not going with her to the camp she was so excited about the whole term.
Actually this camp was some entrepreneurship thing and because I have known her for so long I'm 1000% sure that she's only there to get herself a 'husband '.

I opened the door to reveal my 'loving' mother.

Actually she was more like the Devil's wife.
" What are you up to young lady? How long does it take to open the door? I don't blame you. You're that lazy. Just like your mother.

She did not just go there.

"Did I learn the wrong definition of lazy at school because you're one of the most lazy beings I have ever come across in this world. All you do is eat, sleep and go on vacations every fucking week," I paused to take a breath and realised what I had just said.
Both Leila and my step mom had shocked expressions on their faces because I have never ever like EVER cussed in my life.
"Am sorry, " I say then I close the door.
I think the sound of the door shutting made her come to her senses. I could hear her shout.
" Excuse me young lady. I might just as well call your father because that is fucking disrespect..." .

Soon enough her voice become a distant noise.

An annoying noise.

"Hello?!? Is Dercy still in there?"
I had totally forgotten that Leila was in the room.

"I just need to be alone right now, Leila"
"If it's about your mom you know you can talk about-"
"Just LEAVE!!! "

She was shocked.
I was shocked.
I don't know why but anytime anyone said something negative about my mom, I would just get mad at everyone around me. Especially Leila. Oh My God. Leila.

" I'm so sorry Leila. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay Dercy. I'll just leave you alone for now. I know what you're going through.Talk to you later, "

"Bye," I whisper. I looked down in embarrassment.

After Leila left I felt terrible for shouting at her. Even though I had my angry moments sometimes she still stood by my side. She was like the sister I never had.

Before my mom died I had a really good reputation at school. I was branded as one of the nice girls who never got mad over anything. I had a good standing with almost everyone in my class.

I said almost everyone because everyone has haters.

That night my dad and I were having dinner and since my mom always came home late we were not so worried because we knew that maybe she stayed in the office to finish some work. We got a call from the hospital telling us that my mom was in the ICU because she had suffered a stroke. At that moment I felt my heart drop.

Like I literally had a heart attack.

So I was also rushed to hospital. I can't even imagine what my dad was going through. Your wife and your only child are on the verge of death.When I gained my consciousness the next day my mom had passed away. I remember crying for several hours. I had tried killing myself that night but the nurse on duty walked in before I did anything stupid. I was discharged after a few days. But then as soon as I went back to school rumours were spreading like wild fire. Because of that I became more quiet and secretive. When my class mates confronted me about it I would just lash out at them and then I was branded the 'two-faced bitch'.

That is when I met him. Oliver.
He was different from everyone else because he didn't think that I was a two faced bitch. He comforted me when I needed it. He always said, " be here for you."You are the strongest girl I have ever met and I know you will go through whatever you are going through successfully and I will always be here for you,"

I automatically fell in love with him.

I can't actually say love because I was 16 so... maybe I just liked him so much.

But he moved away. I was so affected that I didn't even want to eat. Shortly after, Leila moved to Leewood town. She proved herself trustworthy so I confided in her about my mom and Oliver. My dad dealt with my mom's death in a different way than I did. He would bring different women to the house time to time(most of the 'women' were my age so it was very much disturbing). I got used to it sooner or later and with the help of Leila I overcame my depression but anytime someone brought it up I would fall back into that deep and dark hole that I was once in. And my solution was just sleeping.

So I decided to fall asleep.
But as I was falling asleep I heard something hitting my window so I woke up to check and I regretted my decision because I found out that it was this guy who lived across the street.

He was my age and I can't deny but he was so hot. His hair was black and shiny because he gelled it every morning. I've never asked him what happens with his eyes but when it is warm or when he's happy his eyes would become green but when he's sad or when it was cold his eyes would become brown-green.

By the way I have described him you might as well assume that he is a hottie in our school and is on demand. He is a complete man whore. One time he got so 'active'( you know what I mean by active) that he told me to have a 'quickie' with him in the FUCKING GANITOR'S CLOSET!!!!!! I got that all wrong because I thought he was going to rape me. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine then I ran away.

I'm sure that all the thoughts he had completely vanished after that.

" Why are you ruining my Saturday by showing your ugly face? " I say.
He just chuckles, "Don't pretend that you're not happy to see me, Marlen."
" I Dercy Marlen, daughter of Luke and Stacy Marlen, happy to see you. I don't think so. Don't flatter yourself too much, Lilac."
His arrogant and sassy face turns to a red and embarrassed one.
"I told you not to call me by my second name, Dercy. It's a girl's name. My name is Leone and you know that very well," he says in a quiet but annoyed tone.

Honestly I call him Lilac to annoy him.

"I came here to give you a letter from none other than....Oliver," he finishes with a wink. He was the only one who knew that Oliver and I dated shortly before he left and I still had hope that our relationship still existed. The mention of a letter from him revived my hope.

" OK. I'm coming down to get it," I say as I close the window and then I just ran down the stairs to the door. I opened the door and snatched the envelope from him and said a quick 'bye' before closing the door but then he put his foot in the way.
"Where are your manners, Dercy. Aren't you going to invite a visitor in and offer him something to drink or eat after his long journey?"
I look at him humour evident on my face.
"You live just across the street,'visitor' ," I say using air quotes . " And besides my 'angel of a mom' is in, " I say sarcastically.
He chuckles.
"You're funny, Dercy. First of all, your sarcasm is the best and also you can't lie to me. I saw your mom leave 10 minutes ago."
"OK I lied because I'm busy right now. There are a lot of things on my mind right now."
The only thing in my mind right now is Oliver's letter and I'll be busy reading it.
" Okay then I will talk to you later, "
"Bye Lil-," One glare from him stopped me in my tracks.
"Bye Leone, " I say putting emphasis on his name..
"Bye Dercy,"he says with one last smile then he turns and leaves.
I don't know why but anytime I talk to Leone I feel like I've been revived.

Did I just say that?

I shake my head dismissing my thoughts.
I close the door then I run to my room and sit on my bed and start opening the envelope.

Author's note :
This is my first time writing so I would understand if you find this first chapter boring but as time goes by I know I'll get used to this and I'll give you the best book I could ever write. So give me your suggestions. What you think can make the book better. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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