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Hello I'm bored again so I'm writing a short story again. The works and characters here are just works of fiction. Anything that might be the same with your situation now is plainly coincidence. This story is an emotional one. I don't think that it would touch your emotions but that is one of its goals. So whenever you would be touched by this story goal achieved. (^._^)

what will you do if a person so much especial to you had forgotten who you are to them?

You have made much memories yet in a glimpse on an eye everything went black. Will you push yourself to him/her or will you just stop, lose hope, and let life continue?

I am Jane. A simple girl who has a simple life. I have a best friend named as Ash. He was one of my best pals. He helps me in anything if he could. Their was a time when our teacher collected our assignment which comprises a big part of our grade. I had forgot about it so I was so lonely going inside our class. Ash tried to cheer me up but it's not effective. When our teacher had gone inside our classroom I had put my face on the table. I was so sad that I could barely cry. When my teacher called our names one by one I was shocked for my teacher didn't scold me. I was so prepared to be scolded but nothing happened. After the class, I was so bewildered on what is happening. Ash just keeps on smiling while I'm in the element of confusion. My classmates had made gossips about me while I'm not even doing anything to them. I have heard some gossips that I had been so lucky for I have a best friend that had made my assignments. After hearing it, I run to my best friend and slap him on his face. He was shocked for he thinks that I would be thankful of what he did. I ran away while Ash is following me. After few more steps we had been in a place wherein its just the two of us. I cried a lot not because of what he did but is because of the shame I might get of what have happened. I always put in mind that I was so dull to forgot about it. Ash just hug me on the back. I was so touch on what he did but I had just let that thing pass and told Ash not to do it again.

When we had gone back to the classroom, my classmates had been shocked for we had been together. They said that I was a flirt and a dull person who just uses Ash for benefits. All of them were shouting on me and I was in amidst of them. I felt my body surrendering on what is happening but Ash pulled me, hug me, and told me not to bother on them. Ash shouted everyone that its not my fault that he made my assignment and we had gone their together but it was his choice. He also said that if they try to do it again to me then they will have to face him. I was so dumb founded on what had happened and after that Ash had been like my tail.

He keeps on following me on every place I go except of course when I go to the comfort room. We were like couple and because of this I had fall for him. It was so tragic to fall for your best friend. I'm so much confused on what will happen if he will know it. I was like friend zoned. I had just continue our situation for it gives me happiness.

One day I tried to confess to him but every time I try do it I would always be tongue tied. After many months of stopping my feelings I confessed to him. He said to me that he loves me also. We had been together and had developed our relationship deeper.

We were so happy with our lives. It was like a perfect one but one thing had change everything. Ash needs to go to America for his parents wants him to continue his studies their. I was so sad but I told him that it is for our own good.

A year had passed and according to his relatives he is going home today. I was very happy and had waited on the airport for maybe 2 hours. I had been alone in going their for I want it to be a great surprise. When he had been captured by my eye, I had ran to him and hugged him. He was so different from the Ash I know last year. His now thin but is still good looking. He pulled me away and asked me on who I was. I was so shocked but his mother just told me that maybe his just not in the mood. I love him so I had not mind about what he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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