Chapter two

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I hurried to stand as soon as I heard 'sold', as slow as I could without making it seem like I was desperate to get to her. But don't think I wasn't, I wanted to get to her so

 Badly. And at that moment, I didn't even care if it was rude to hurry out, considering most people waited at the end of the auction to retrieve their new pets. And the fact I had to get by at least seven other buyers on either side of me. But I felt like she could die any second, and in her condition, I wouldn't be surprised if she was dead on the stage as soon as I would get to her. If I got to her... Too many good damned people were in my way! And they were not even trying to make room for me to pass. 

I doubted anyone was going to buy her, considering her state. Even though she looked decently groomed as the average cat would, she had nothing on her and looked so ill. I couldn't even tell her age, but I knew she must have been young. Most slaves that were sold were around their teenage years or mid twenties. Some as far as early thirties, but she wasn't greying, so she couldn't possibly be that old.

I pardoned myself repeatedly, pushing my way passed the others that were still sitting, forcing myself to go by them and shove their legs aside, because, simply, they weren't going to do it willingly. I almost tripped, three times, simply because someone deliberately stuck their legs farther out than necessary, catching my feet and making me stumble, but I cought myself. It felt like ages before I was at the end of the row, going down the steps to the stage and went up the ramp that connected to it. I easily slipped behind the curtain when I got onto the large stage, not entirely sure if it was deemed inappropriate to go onto it. But it didn't matter, I had to get to her before something bad happened. I didn't care that I was even seen at the moment, rushing to the back to get the cat-girl no one wanted.

Plus, I bet it didn't help that I didn't know where I was going, and also the fact that I wasn't exactly thinking at the moment either.

It was brighter than the other room, but it was almost black where I had been except the lights that were pointed on the stage. How the pudgy man saw me, I didn't know. But that wasn't my concern right now, finding out where that girl was. I slowed down when I passed another slave, though the grey wolf boy seemed quite eager to go on, only a caller around his neck as he went up. He yipped, smiling and tongue lolling slightly out of his mouth, his tail wagging and didn't look like it would ever stop. He had no restraints like she did, I wonder why?

I shook my head, my black hair getting into my face. I pushed what I could behind my ear, some still brushing my forehead because it was simply too short. I was scanning around, looked in every direction at least twice before I had caught the sight of her tail, slowly dragging behind a corner, and I was eager to follow, though I tried to make it look discreet. I failed. 

I basically rushed around the corner, nearly ramming into someone but managed a last second turn around them. I had to stop for a second after, letting out a breath before I saw her. She was being dragged by the scruff of her neck into another hallway, one I could automatically see filled with doors. At least those poles were taken off her. 

I followed the man dragging the limp body, putting my hands in my pockets and going as slow as I could possibly manage with the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I attempted to look like I blended in,  but failed miserably. And as stupid as that sounded, I felt rushed, kind of like a first sugar high you got as a kid or jumping off a cliff. I heard a door close, and to my panic, I didn't see them anymore. Before I could rush forward, a heavy arm draped around me. I turned to see who it was, and it just didn't seem the world liked me just then. It was the pudgy man. A sleazy grin reaching his eyes, the corners crinkled in amusement. 

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