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This was the one that was originally supposed to be for you contest. XD
I don't necessarily like it, but it's 3200 words approximately. Just in case some of my beautiful readers would like to know. I hope you enjoy it my lovely friend!! XD
  The sky is clear, a crystal blue shade with no clouds whatsoever, the kind of days that (Y/n) hates the most. They're boring days, where she can't go on break and look at the clouds and make out shapes.
  She sits in the shop with no idea on what to do, there aren't any customers and everything's already been done in preparation. She taps her fingers on the counter as her eyes wander over the pictures of various styles of tattoos.
  She looks over at the one ink spot on her wrist, she knows she'll never find the One, but it's always nice to dream. The bell on the door rings and (Y/n)'s head snaps at attention, only to sink a little once she sees her best friend, N.
  The red-headed woman in her signature green trench coat looks over to the (h/c)-haired woman before walking over and sitting on the counter, "Hey, (Y/n), how goes it?"
"Boring," she sighs out before looking at her best friend. "but how goes it with you, gorgeous?"
"(Y/n)," N starts out sternly and looks down at the girl behind the counter. "You know I don't do too well with compliments."
"I'm only telling the truth," the woman smiles back, not in the least bit deterred from this intimidating beauty.
"Take it back."
"Come on, (Y/n), take it back," N reaches over and pushes the other women's face backward trying to mess her hair up.
"No, I'll never retract the trut-" both of the females in the shop stop short as the bell makes a small noise and a black-haired man walks in. He has this vibe around him that told you that you didn't want to mess with him. But if you were to ask (Y/n), N is still scarier than him.
"Uh... hi," (Y/n) clears her throat as N slides off the counter and walks around the shop as if she's looking at the tattoos. "How can I help you?"
"I'm here to get a T.A.T.T.O.O. removed. You guys do, do that here, right?" his eyes are trained on N, before he looks back to the (h/c)ette. "Or do I have to take myself somewhere else?"
"No, we do remove T.A.T.T.O.O.s, and since we don't have anyone here today, I can just do that right now," she smiles before she motions to the chair for him to sit.
He takes off his jacket and follows suit, the chairs aren't that comfortable and he already regrets coming here. Sure, he doesn't like the fact that the world is trying to tell him who he should be, but something's are better off just ignoring. If they're the the person you're meant to be with, then you're bound to meet them without the stupid T.A.T.T.O.O., he doesn't need to world telling him what to do.
  She brings out the kit and looks at him, this causes her to hurriedly cast her eyes away from his chest and blush slightly. She lets out a deep breath before she pulls out the laser, "So... have you ever removed a tattoo before?"
He looks over at her with an eyebrow slightly raised, "If I'm getting it removed now, then how would I have gotten it removed before?"
  "Not the T.A.T.T.O.O., but a tattoo," she nods to the rest of the ink on his skin as she holds out her hand to take his wrist. "Not the one you were born with, but-"
  "Right," he interrupts her and looks to the side as he places his wrist into the palm of her hand. "No, I haven't. And I don't plan on it either."
  She nods before she redirects her attention to the job that she's supposed to do. Her breath catches inside her throat, she looks back at him and then to his T.A.T.T.O.O., it's the same shape as hers.
  She pushes the thought of telling him out of her mind, he came here for a reason. He's getting it removed for some reason or another, he probably never wants to meet his 'soulmate' as people call them, and she's not going to force herself on him.
  She places the pen against his skin and lightly brushes against the ink. The black marking slowly disintegrating until there's no sign that he ever had one. She places it down before standing up and putting all of the supplies away.
He sits in the chair for a few minutes staring at his wrist, quite frankly he was expecting something different. Something more painful and a lot harder to do. He could've bought the stupid remover himself and done it if he'd known that is was that easy.
"N can take you at the counter now," the women brushes a strand of hair behind her ear without turning back to look at him. "This'll take a while, and you're probably busy."
He stands up and walks over to the counter, N glaring at the preoccupied woman, probably because she's socially awkward and doesn't like being thrown under the bus on the spot, "That'll be two-hundred dollars, my good friend," the red-headed lady tries to smile, but she can't while she's biting her lip, well she can, it just looks creepy though.
The tall male pulls out the cash, pays, and leaves without another word, "Well, that man was rude."
"What makes you say that, N?" (Y/n) looks at her best friend who has her arms crossed and is now leaning on the counter.
"He didn't tip you."
A few weeks later, (Y/n) keeps on trying to forget that her One came into the shop and removed his mark. She's been debating on removing hers or not, and now she's standing in the middle of a coffee shop zoning out.
The small chime of the bell echoes throughout the shop, so she turns to see what kind of person enters. She hurriedly looks away and moves up in the line. Though it's not like she could get away from him anyway, because she's the last in line.
She hears the man and his group of friends come up behind her. She eavesdrops on their conversation about who has to stay in line and order the coffee; whoever Law is, he got stuck doing it. So then she turned around to see who the person was, and her eyes meet his.
She silently curses to herself as she turns back around, of course it had to be him. Well, at least she knows his name. She tries to ignore the person behind her, and she's pretty sure he doesn't want to talk to her either because he hasn't said one word to her.
The line starts to move, so she tries to take a step forward, but she nearly trips and grabs onto the nearest thing to her, which happens to be the guy she tried so hard to forget was there.
"Are you okay?" he asks, but he doesn't actually sound like he's concerned. It isn't until she nods that a condescending smirk slides onto his lips. "Are you sure you didn't get whiplash from how fast you turned around earlier?"
She lets go of him and swallows hard as she tries to figure out what to say, but her being at a loss for words just made him stare at her harder and longer, which made her even more lost, "Aren't you the person who removed my T.A.T.T.O.O. at the shop yesterday?"
"Yeah," she bites her lip as she looks at the ground. He continues to stare at her so she just blurts out the first thing that enters her mind, "Myfriendthinksyou'rerude."
He shrugs it off like he really couldn't care less about what N thinks, probably because he can't, "Why does she think that?"
"Because you didn't tip me yesterday..." she slides down the line not sure if she should just order or talk to the person behind her. "But I'm fi-"
"I'd like a black coffee, a caramel frappe double the caramel, an espresso, and whatever this woman wants," the black-haired man orders from the server.
"What? No, I-" he gives her a look that tells her that he won't take no for an answer, and if she doesn't order, he'll do it for her. "If you're paying then I'll take a (f/coffee) and a (favorite donut)."
  She gets out of the line and waits for him to pay for it before they both walk over to the pick up station, "You didn't need to do-"
  "I got through the line faster," he sighs before he looks at her, "I really couldn't care less, but said your friend was upset about the tip, right? Then take this as a tip."
  She thinks about it and nods, "Thanks then, Law. Your name is Law, right?"
  He stares at her for a few seconds before he notices their beverages being put on the counter, "Yes. It is, how'd you know that?"
  She follows his lead and grabs her things off the counter, "I heard your friends say your name... I was eavesdropping... sorry."
  "They're loud as is," he shrugs it off as he takes a tray and places his drinks on it. "And you're (Y/n)-ya, right?"
  "Ya? But yes," she follows him as he walks over to his friends. "How's you know that?"
  "You were wearing a tag yesterday with your name on it," he places the tray down before looking at her again. "Are you stupid or something?"
  "Or something," she shrugs before she waves at the other men siting at the table. "Hi, bye. I need to get going... I need to open up the shop. Thanks for the coffee and donut, Law. It was nice seeing you again."
  She lies before taking off without giving any of them the chance to say anything, not like Law was going to anyway. She makes it to the building and awkwardly opens up the door before she kicks it open wide enough for her to get through, "I still thing we should have an automatic door, N."
"Tell the boss, not me," the red-head gives her a look once she sees that she got a donut. "I thought you never got those because it's pointless to waste money on one thing when you can go to the store and buy a dozen for less?"
"I didn't pay for it," the (h/c)-haired woman puts down her cup before she walks around to join her friend behind the counter. "It was my tip from that guy the other day. His name's Law, by the way."
"Oh? Was he flirting with you?" N wraps her arm around the woman's neck and pulls her close. "Do I have someone I need to kill?"
"N," she sighs out as the other women lets go and shrugs. "No, he said he just didn't want to wait in line... so he had an ulterior movie, but I still got coffee and a donut for free, so I'm not complaining."
  "Then is that really a tip then?" N never gets her answer, because as soon as she asked they got their first customer. And then after that, they never got a break from customers.
  No matter how badly she wanted to avoid him, it seemed that they ran into each other everywhere: the grocery store, the movies, the mall, and now the park, it seems that she just can't escape him.
  The two of them sit down on a bench together and she lets out a deep sigh, "Hey, Law, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"
  "I do," his eyes look over all the other people in the park but then they land on her. "But it won't stop you from asking, and depending on what it is... I might answer."
"Once you got you T.A.T.T.O.O. removed, have you felt different in anyway?" she lets out a sigh.
  She hasn't really told anyone that he's her soulmate, no one but N. And that women told her that she should just wait and see, especially since she knows that (Y/n) can't handle coming clean to someone as "intimidating" and Law.
Unlike the day that they met, it's cloudy out and it's threatening to rain. It's strange about how she tried to avoid seeing him, but they're almost friends, "No. I haven't felt as if anything changed, why do you want to know?"
"I... was planning on getting mine removed," she looks over at him before she continues. "I've just been so scared of actually doing it, because it was the one thing that would lead me to whoever it was that I'm supposed to be with. But a few weeks ago... he came in... and he got his removed."
"I wasn't even a concern. My feelings didn't mean a thing to him," she looks away and at the ground. "And now I see the guy everywhere I go... funny thing is... I've never seen him before then and now all of a sudden... he's always near me."
"I'm not going to decide your life for you," Law lets out a sigh as a breeze blows by. "But, I think that if you two are meant to be, then it'll all work out. That's fate."
  Her head swivels over to look at him before she stands up, "I have to get to work... thanks for the pep talk, Law..."
  "Wait a minute," he stands up with her and starts to walk with her. "Why's it every time we meet, you always have to run off to work?"
  "I work a lot," she feels his hand wrap around her wrist, the wrist with her T.A.T.T.O.O., so she feels self conscious all of a sudden. "What's wrong with you? You're never like this, let go of me."
  "You're trying to avoid me, (Y/n)-ya. I don't appreciate it," he tightens his grip on her as the rain starts to sprinkle around them. "And if you're not, then would you mind in the least if I were to visit you after you're done working?"
  She stands there as the water comes down harder and faster. She can't tell him that she actually doesn't work, it's her one day off... but his eyes are telling her that it's something really important to him, so she nods.
  He lets go and they both start walk in pace with each other. They never broke the same stride, not until they needed to stop outside the shop's door. The mini-umbrella catching and redirecting the rain from getting them any wetter than they were before.
  "Well... this is it," she fiddles with her fingers for a few before she looks back at him. "I'll be done here by eight... so if you want to pick me up so we can talk... now you know."
"That would be good to know," he watches her, before he turns around and walks away. She stands there watching him before she hurriedly enters into the shop.
The curly red-haired woman raises an eyebrow at her before she speaks up, "What brings you here today, (Y/n)? It's your day off."
"I... ended up telling Law that I needed to go to work... so... here I am," she laughs nervously before she walks over and pulls herself up onto the counter. "He needs to talk to me... I don't know what it's about..."
"There's only one thing that it could be," the other woman lets out a deep sigh as a customer walks in and stares at the two of them. "I'll be right with you, go ahead and take a look around. Anyway, you need to tell him what's going on. You seem-"
"I'll be fine," she turns towards the person that walked in before she jumps off the counter and talks to them.
   They already decided what tattoo they wanted before they came in, and it was easy enough for her to do, so she helped them. It was like that for the rest of the evening. In fact, it was so busy that she almost forgot that Law was coming to pick her up.
It wasn't until he walked through the door at fifteen minutes past eight that she remembered. She smiles at him before she looks back at the man she's currently tattooing. She finishes up the design before she stands up and walks toward the black-haired male.
  "I'm sorry I kept you waiting... I completely forgot and... I've been doing this tattoo for like an hour... so," she stops herself as the man goes over to the counter to pay.
  N just waves her off, telling her to go before Law starts to get upset. (Y/n) doubts that he'll get too upset seeing as how he probably understands the time it takes to get a tattoo, hopefully.
  "Alright," she exits the shop before him and waits for him outside of the shop. "So what's the matter? Why do you need to talk so badly?"
  "I want to get to know you more," he shrugs before he pulls out the umbrella. "Let's go."
  They make it to the park that they were at before she went to work before they say another word. Instead of sitting down and chatting, they decide on standing so that they don't get their clothes any wetter than they were when they left.
  She found it nice of him to hold the umbrella over her as well instead of hogging it all to himself. Who said chivalry was dead? She lets out a sigh before she brushes a few (h/c) strands out of her face, "So what'd you want to know?"
  "Start wherever you feel comfortable," his eyes stare into her deeply and it causes her to feel the chills, but that could be the wind, "You don't have to share anything that you don't feel comfortable with."
  "No, it's fine, my life doesn't have anything that's too... private," she licks her lips before she stands there and tells him everything that she remembers. Almost everything, she left out the fact that he's her soulmate, but other than that she told him everything. "What about you? Tell me about yourself."
  He stares at her for a while before he speaks. He tells her everything, from his whole town being quarantined to his father figure, Cora. After he finishes telling her he lets out a sigh.
  "I've never told anyone this before," his grip on the umbrella tightens. "You know something? I've... no, let me start again... ever since I met you... I can't get you out of my mind... it's like... I don't even know. I haven't known you for that long... but it's like I can trust you. That's why I wanted to talk more."
  "W-well," she takes a deep breath before he places a hand on her cheek. Her breath catches in the back of her throat as his lips meet hers.
  The umbrella falls to the ground because his other hand grabs her waist and pulls her towards his chest. She can feel the rain beat down on her skin, but she couldn't care less at this moment. She feels so complete, and it doesn't even matter that he doesn't know she's used to share his T.A.T.T.O.O. that's what shocks her the most.
  Or maybe he did, but it's hard to tell when he keeps taking her breath away. Because it's not like she can really ask or anything.


T.A.T.T.O.O. (Law X-reader)Where stories live. Discover now