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Chapter 1

It's hard! yes i know, extremely. but you know you carnt do anything about it! i know, it's all so complicated. It shouldnt be though, he is popular and im an outcast. Forever to be known as one, but he is so beautiful, handsome, whatever you my call him. But no matter how hard i tell myself how ugly i am and that he will never notice me. I always have these stupid feelings of... oh but he gave me 'that' look!

what is it with us woman, or is it just me? we seem to imagine the hope and see it in our eyes even though it is NOT actally happening. Its just wishing it would happen. sad insnt it really?

Yes, i'll admit it. as i stare into his brown chocolate coloured beautiful eyes, i am hopelessly and insanely in love with him. Okay probably not IN love with him, mainly because i barely know him. but hey, i stil fancy him extremely. And yes, i'll admit that this boy is named Nick Jonas! hottest, sexiest and not too mention most popular boy in the entire school! 

oviously nick isnt looking my way as i stare at him, good. because that allows me to look and day dream. he is so hand twist the pencil around whilst the other holds up my head as i lean carelessly. I feel a sharp elbow hit me in the arm on my left, god sake! what did he want now?

"What?!" i whisper shout at him whilst still looking at Nick. I hear him sigh whilst giving me another sharper poke with his finger. i let out a heavy sigh as i dragged my attention away from nick, and went to coldy stare at him. " logan! it better be important because you just totally ruined my daydream!" he just looks at me with humour, what the heck is he laughing at? suddenly i hear a loud clearing of the throat coming from the front of the classroom...

in all my day dreaming, i hadnt noticed it had gone quiet and that my 'whispering' was completely heard by everyone... shit! i gave a weak smile towards the teacher, she just gave me a stern look and slowly walked over to hand me a lovely blue slip of paper, with a not so lovely note on it. She continued walking around the classroom calmly whilst everyone continued to their work. I just hear logan's chuckle of laughter from beside me and let out a loud sigh " shut up logan!" i said tiredly to return to look at nick... he was looking at me though! staring at me! oh wait! now he's smiling! my insides go all bubbly, i smile back and he lifts up the same blue slip of paper and mouths " same with me selena!" he gives a grumpy pout with his face to then smile wide showing his impeccable teeth to me. i chuckle softly at him and watch him turn back to his work, Oh my... i spin round to logan grinning widely and pratically burst in happiness! " well, you've certainly cheered up!" i nodded sharply and grinned! " im going on a date with Nick Jonas!" logan just looked at me in complete and utter shock! " what? let me get this straight, in the last 30 seconds he asked you out from the other side of the classroom?" i keep grinning and just shake my head to say yes! i slow down a little bit and pout at logan. " well, not exactly... but.... he talked to me and did that sexy look at me and...." logan just sat there looking at me with a huge cheeky smirk on his face and i  could tell he was about to split his sides out laughing at me. i could tell because he was twitching his ears slightly. stupid boy!

Chapter 2

Me and logan walk out of class towards the lunchhall. I know i should hurry because i have the detention but i still have 10 minutes till it starts. We just walk in silence, which for me is great because i know that logan will just mock me. Why carnt he see that im in love with nick! and its not something to joke about when it comes to me and him!

I could feel logan smirking beside me, just feel it; sarky jackass... " so selena... nick asked you out huh? where's he taking you?" he tryed to hide his smirk but failed epicly. i sighed at his rudeness and plainly said " In about 10 minutes to be exact!" i grin at him and then continue walking faster to the hall. " ohhh right! ... wait isnt that when your detention is?" i nibble my bottom lip in irritation of him opening me to the truth. Hey! its nice to dream, right? " maybe... but it might be my chance to get to know him, right?" i nodd to myself at my genius thought, only to have my best friend;logan ruin it hugely! " okay, seriously selena! you've been drooling over him for the past 5 years!! either do something or not at all!" i frowned deeply at him, i hate him sometimes... he stared back quietly.

I throw my bag further onto my shoulder roughly and step up closer him so i'm in his face " Maybe i will!" i spit. I forget about lunch and start walking to my detention, leaving logan standing there on his own in the hallway. I walk slowly to the detention, admiring all the different school buildingsthat i never really cared to notice. The wide sparkling windows and the pale new bricks of the high walls. It was quite a nice school to be fair, i just never slowed down and actually looked.

I breathed in the cool air into my lungs to have a boys voice call my name " Hey selena!"  i turn around to lok at the culprit calling my name. to my huge surprise it was nick! i blush slightly as he casuall jogs towards me. " hey" i manage to choke. He gave me a smile, i gave him one. Common pleasantries but i felt like it were the beginning of to be marriage. Obviously it wasnt, but when your in love; all sanity and actual smart thoughts leave your head.

" How are you doing, going to the detention?" i just nodd, i hate detentions! not that i had many really but when i do they just suck. "i hate detentions, they really do bore alot!" we both smile at eachother. he grabs my arm carefully sending shivers down my spine and letting free all the butterflies in my stomach. we stand their whilst i wait for him to ask his queastion. He just looks at me for a while, i was looking straight back smiling right into those beautiful eyes of his. " hmmm, i believe they are, so... would you like to hang out with me this lunch and just skip?" he waits for me to answer as i think about the consequences of skipping, i dont really care at the moment because i just got asked to hang out with my one true love!

i smile brightly at him and nodd my head vigouresly " hmmm, definatly good with me!" he laughs slighty as we wallk off towards the feilds to had out.See logan! i have done something, i might finally have the chance to date my first love! suck on that logan!!!

Chapter 3

 As we walk along the edge of the forest, we talk about ourselves and family and normal things really. Its nice and easy to talk, which is great! its just as we are getting to the front of the school that we hear the loud piercing vibration of the school bell, its a calm silence. I like the silence, its sweet. Slowly i feel a warmth and the feeling of nicks rough hand sliding swiftly towards my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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