Dead love /Senji Kiyomasa love story/

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This could not be happening. A few days ago I was living the high life, now I'm in a prison on death row no way to leave. I didn't mean to kill that man, if anything the case should have been ruled self defense. But it was no use now I'm in prison. How did I even kill him, it was like an explosion went off in his body after he made me sing for him. I needed to get it off my mind, I picked the manual that was given to me when I got here. I started to read, I learned about these things called cast points. They're like money here, then I seen the part about candy and this contraption on my neck. My heart dropped, I only had three days to live if I didn't eat this antidote in candy form. I threw the manual against the wall.

"Damnit! Why is this happening to me?" I got up and walked out of the cell.

I needed fresh air, I made it to the court yard. I started to lose myself in thought, I didn't come back to reality until I ran into a solid figure knocking me and the figure down.

"Sorry miss I wasn't watching where I was going."

I looked up to find a startled teen, "Oh it was my fault."

The boy soon got a good look at me. "Hey I know you! Your Calico Dream!"

Soon what appeared to be his friend came over. "Dude why are you on the ground?" He then looked at me, "Whoa your Calico Dream!"

I smiled, "It's good to know I still have fans. So what are your names?"

"I'm Yoh Takami."

"And I'm Ganta Igarashi."

My eyebrows raised slightly, "Are you the Ganta that was convicted for the murder of all those kids?"

Ganta nodded, "Yes, but I didn't do it."

I looked him in the eye, "I never said you did, in all honesty I don't think you could have murdered those kids. There is no way you could have killed your friends."

Ganta looked at me and smiled, "Thanks it's good to know some people believe me. Can I show you around, Ms. Calico Dream."

"Sure I would love that, and you two can call me Cali. That is my real name after all."

"Alright let's go Cali."

Ganta and Yoh showed me around for awhile, they told me about everything about this place. I could tell that they were holding out on me. I just didn't know what.

"Hey Cali?"

I turned to Yoh, "What is it?"

"Well I was wondering how you got here, if you mind me asking."

I smiled a bitter smile, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Yoh and Ganta looked at each other, "Try us."

Sighing I began to speak, "This man he came out of now where, it was right after my concert here. I decided to let the security guards go home early. Then that man, he jumped me. He stabbed my hand and slapped me, I tried to fight back and when I did it looked like little drops of my blood flew into his body. He laughed at me and kicked me in the stomach, then he made me sing. But when I did, it was like a million bombs went off inside of him. He just killed over dead."

"Cali did you say your blood flew into him, then blew up after you sang?"

"Yea you probably think I'm crazy." I laughed a bit.

"Who was your attorney in your case?"

"Um I think it was Tusnenaga Tamaki."

Ganta's eyes grew enraged, "That shitty fox bastard! He put another person in this place!"

"Ganta calm down he just wasn't a good attorney."

"No! Cali he put me here on false charges, and he did the same to you and many other people! Cali you are a dead man!"

"Okay hold on. Back up train. I'm a dead what?"

"Well it's kinda hard for me to explain." But right as Ganta said that, an albino girl in body tights tackled him.

"Ganta play with Shiro!"

"Not now Shiro!"

The girl who appeared to be named Shiro looked at me, "Oh who is this Ganta?"

"I'm Cali Flame, nice to meet Shiro."

She smiled at me, "Shiro is happy to meet Cali."

My eyes grew serious, "So tell me what a dead man is."

Ganta, Yoh, and Shiro took me aside, Ganta told me everything about the branch of sin and dead men. The whole reality was cruel and unusual, and I was part of it. I had to fight and kill, it was the law of the jungle in this crazy place. Survival of the fittest. No. This wasn't going to be my future, I'm going to live.


His head snapped forward in attention, "What is it?"

"Do you know anyone who can train me to become stronger?" Fire burned in my eyes, "I want to live!"

He could see the determination in my eyes, "Well I do, but..."

"But what!"

"He might not train you."

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth, "Oh just let me have a chat with him, he'll train me."


Ganta took me down winding paths, and through an AC vent. We came to a dark dank place, I stumbled around in the darkness stepping in a puddle every five minutes. I was doing fine till I got a tap on the shoulder from Shiro, which made me scream. It was a terrifying place, we made it to a huge door that said G block.

"You ready Cali?"

"Yea I am."

We walked through the doors, to be honest I was horrified at what I would find. When we walked through it was almost as same as all the other blocks, except it was nicer. We walked a while longer until we came to one last door and stopped infront of it.

"This is it."

We walked through the doors to find a man doing push ups. He looked up, "Ganta what are you doing here?"

Ganta spoke up, "Um Cali would like for you to train her." He stepped aside so I could speak with the man.

My mouth dropped to the floor, as did his. "Senji?"


"Senji it is you!" I screamed tackling the startled man, his face in between the floor and my chest.

He blushed several shades of red, "P-put some clothes on!"He tried to get away from my grasp, "H-h-here put this coat on."

He handed me his coat, "I'm not putting that on. It doesn't match my outfit."

"Those aren't considered clothes! That's underwear!" Senji said pointing to my cut off shorts and v-neck tank top, which they were kind enough to let me keep when I got here.

"Okay hold on how do you know each other?" Ganta said looking really confused.

"It's a long story, if your prepared to set through it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2012 ⏰

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