The Only One

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Danny's P.O.V

I've always had a tendancy to be late, but today is the first time in forever that I am early, a bit too early.

My taxi isn't even here yet, and it won't be for another 20 minutes. I take this time to reflect back on the previous 2 months.

We'd been on tour in America, just me and the lads. That meant 2 months away from home, 2 months away from friends and family, 2 months away from our every day lives, 2 months of phone calls and Skype calls, and 2 months of no physical contact, with her.

That had been the hardest part. I know I'd always told myself that my career came first, The Script came first, and she had always been understanding of that. But this felt different, my heart ached when we were apart, and only being able to see each other on a laptop screen had just made me miss her more while I was out there. I'd never felt this way about a woman before, but I longed to be in her prescence constantly. For the last year, that I had been with her, touring had become a hard task for me. I loved performing, I loved being on stage infront of the thousands of fans but once the rush of the show was over, I would always find myself in a miserable mood because she was not with me and I was not with her.

I'd been thinking about her a lot more this time around. During the tour, I had realised that we didn't see each other enough when we were both in London, let alone when I was off touring the world. I knew she was fine with it, she always had been and she was the most understanding, accepting girlfriend I had ever had, but I was starting to realise that I wasn't fine with us living our lives like this. We were both always busy and rarely crossed paths. Granted that when we did see each other, it was always worth the wait. But our relationship was almost too simple, as lovely as it was. Work always came first for the both of us, and I was never around for her to be able to move in with me, there wasn't a reason to if I wouldn't be home anyway.

But this was too much now, we needed each other and I could feel it. I knew she felt the same, but we had a pact to always put our careers first, even if it hurt one another, since she knew how important my job was to me. I knew that she didn't like our pact but that she was too understanding for us to not have the pact, she knew how much being a part of The Script meant to me. But I was capable of juggling my personal life and my work life, and I wanted to show her this. I knew I could still perform and go to the studio, and still be able to come home to her every evening when I wasn't on tour abroad. She just didn't know this.

Ring ring!

My phone started ringing, it was the taxi company informing me that my cab was downstairs. I headed down to the street, getting into the cab and letting the driver know my destination.

I leaned back in my seat and watched out of the window as I thought over what I was going to say, how I was going to feel when I finally saw her again. I'd been back for a couple of weeks now but I wanted to postpone seeing her after I got back from tour. I'd been busy again, but this time it was a different matter. I had refused to see her until I had completed my task, and with her being the understanding woman I've said she is, she had agreed.

Now I was sitting in the back of a taxi, anticipating finally seeing her again. It had been so long since the day she came with us to the airport, to say good bye to me. She always cried a lot when we had to say good bye, which was another indication to me that she secretly didn't like having to see me leave for weeks and months, as often as she did.

I arrived on the road that the restaurant was on, paying my fare and getting out of the cab. It was a cold December day, and I pladed my gloved hands into my coat pockets to keep myself warm. After a short walk, I went inside the restaurant and was by a young waitor who greeted me and led me to my reserved table. I checked the time on my phone, 7:15pm, I was still 15 minutes early for our dinner.

As the waitor lead me to a more private table at the back of the restaurant, I saw her there with her back turned to me. I told the waitor that I could make my way from here, and he left my side as I walked up behind her, leaning down and wrapping my arms around her tight, pulling her into a hug from behind. Even wrapped up in my coat and scarf, I was cold, but I felt her warmth immediately as she recognised that familiar coat and my familiar hugs, and moved her arms up to hold onto mine.

"Danny!" she breathed, obviously happy to finally see me.

"I've missed you, beautiful" I smile as she turns around, then I cup her face in my hands and kiss her, slowly and lovingly. She lingers, I can tell she doesn't want to let go of me, and I'm in no rush to let go of her either.

After a joyous hello, I take my coat, scarf and gloves off and sit opposite her at our table, ordering us a celebratory bottle of champagne since I want to spoil her because I haven't been able to for 2 months.I smile at her across the table, taking in her beauty. She looks stunning tonight, I can see she's gone to a lot of effort to look nice for me since she hasn't seen me in so long but she doesn't even need to try. She's gorgeous.

She breaks our comfortable silence though, "How was the tour? You still haven't told me everything!"

"I will!" I laugh "But I've got something else to tell you first!" Her facial expression becomes curious as she wonders what there is for me to tell.

I rummage around in my pocket, fishing out the small, hard metal piece and cupping it in my hand so she can't see what it is as I place my hand on the table. I speak up. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you for 2 weeks after my tour, but it's for good reason"

"I know" she smiles "It always is for good reason. You don't have to explain!"

"But I do!! I couldn't stop thinking about you while I was on tour. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I always want to be with you, how I always want to have you there at the end of the day when we finish working"

She cuts me off, "But your work is different Danny! You don't work a normal 9 to 5 job, and that's okay!"

"No!" I chuckle a little "Please just let me finish! I know you think that it's hard for me to balance my career with my private life, but I've grown up in the previous 2 months and I know now that I CAN balance my career and my personal life. We don't need a pact, we love each other so we understand each others needs to always be working. But we can do this in a different way now. For 2 weeks I've been rushing around all of London, viewing houses. I didn't want to see you until I'd found the perfect house, our dream house" A huge smile spreads across her face as she starts to realise what I'm saying. I carry on. "So I did it, I found our dream house and I did all the paper work for it, I put down a deposit and I bought us a house" I smile up at her as I open my hand, revealing a small silver key. A copy of the key to our new house.

"Move in with me?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Danny yes!' She squeels and smilies, getting up and rushing around the table to give me a hug, and lots of kisses,

I smile as she takes the key, knowing that this is the start of a whole new chapter of our lives together. She's my soul mate. And she's finally starting to realise that she is the one for me, the only one.

The Only One (Danny O'Donoghue One Shot FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now