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What a beautiful day. The sun is up so bright. Green trees swaying and crowds dispersing in the street, minding their own business. The blue skies have no signs of bad weather either.

Yeah, that's how I'll start the chapter. Everything should be pretty for an intro, right?

I stood up as I jumped into Mahiro's desk. He left earlier with Kuro to school, the events today were so fast and he even met the other eves and servamps. I guess it was the Lust pair, Greed pair, Pride pair and Envy pair.

It's a good thing I also didn't meet the other replicas as me. We are also siblings, but still, I have a bad image with them so nope.

To be honest, it's a bit tad boring to pretend like a normal cat. But Kuro told me so to continue pretending. So if anything goes wrong, I, his replica, would be able to help.

Especially there's Tsubaki, an annoying self-proclaimed 8th Servamp. He is such a hassle since he always wants to start war with his own siblings.

"Nya," I meowed in annoyance as I put my paw on the window. "Really, it's so boring I could die already." Rolling down on Mahiru's desk, I stared at the ceiling, before sitting up straight.

Since it's still early, they won't be home around this hour, right?

That means I can wander around!

Jumping off the desk, I transformed into my human form. Kuro and I have the same outfit, but ofcourse mine looks feminine since I'm female. My long wavy light blue hair which almost looks pale white is also common to his.

Ofcourse, as his replica, we almost look like twins.

The difference is that, he is the original one. And I only have half of his ability as I mentioned before, but still, I'm a bit helpful. Just imagine me as his shadow or something.

Yawning, I walked up to the door and went out of Mahiru's place. Looking from left and right, I continued walking until I got outside.

There's another thing better from me.

Immunity towards the sun. If the servamps turn into their animal form when exposed to the sun, we replicas do not. But we still can transform into our animal forms.

"Now, where should I go?" Roaming my eyes around, I joined the crowd as they crossed the road. I have no idea where to go, but I still know how to go back if ever I get lost.

But still, I better not get lost.

In a blink of an eye, I saw myself standing infront of a park. Kids were playing, some of them are even running around with their parents chatting.

I didn't realize I was staring at them for so long. I suddenly felt something weird. Humans are really carefree.

"So carefree that I feel like dying already." I mumbled to myself, only to earn the attention of the nearby kids with their parents.

"Mommy, is she sick? Why is she dying?" An innocent girl asked her mother who looked as if she's confused with me. The little boy stared at me too as if he has seen a ghost or something.

"I don't know honey. Let's just not get involved with strangers, okay?" The mother replied before pulling her kids away from me.

𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚂𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 | 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙰𝙼𝙿Where stories live. Discover now