Shattering the Mirror

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It was the same dream as always; my sister Vanessa and I were playing in the sandbox. Mom called to me to come inside; I asked her why she didn't call to Vanessa. She then morphed into the demon Thorn. she ran at us and swiped her claw through Vanessa. My sister dispersed and faded into the wind. I woke up and decided to finally rid myself of Thorn. I got up and started to work.

"This is it!" I exclaimed. "A possible Cure for schizophrenia."

''But who would test it?" Inquired Raven. I plan to be subject one, I am sick and tired of looking crazy and having to listen to Thorn. Her dark essence filling my thoughts with pain.

"Me. I plan to use this to confront Thorn, and to maybe try to figure out what happened to Olivia."

"Yeh. I miss Olivia. Let's do it!" And with Raven's statement I started the simulation.

It started dark, and then I saw that I was in a large white room. There she stood, Thorn, her sunken in eyes glearning one red, one violet. I hated her now more than ever, her greasy dyed black hair reminded me off the blood she had spilt. She hummed Small World and looked at me indifferently.

"Well. Well. The Scaredy Cat finally built her little machine. Now what are you going to do? Drop a bucket of water on me?" Wait! What was my plan? I was supposed to plug into this machine; then what? "Oh. So you didn't think this through." She chuckled.

"Where is Olivia? What did you do to her?"

"Oh, that annoying little girl? I got rid of her. She was useless."

"You killed her?!" She stared at me and smiled. My head spun; then everything went black.

"Are you ok?" Raven stood above me. Her worried look parrelled my own fear. The clock showed that a whole hour had passed. "Forty-five minutes in you started to exhibit fight or flight response then fifteen minutes after the computer crashed."

"Restart the computer. I am going back in as soon as it's ready."

"What? But you don't have a plan on how to get rid of her." Raven's bright red face nearly complemented her plum t-shirt. "She killed Olivia, if you go back in there she could kill you too." Raven always was my voice of reason. She looked grunge, with her leather jacket and ripped jeans, but she is one of the sweetest people I know.

"She can't kill me if I kill her first."

"No, even if it is possible, you shouldn't stoop to her level." I started to reboot the computer. "Fine, if you won't listen to me then I'll just leave." I heard the door slam.

Fine! I didn't need her. No more Raven, no more Thorn, no more Olivia, I could finally think for myself. Five minutes later the computer the computer had finished rebooting. I open the program and prepare myself to finally defeat my greatest enemy. I enter the blank room and I see Thorn with a knife at Raven's throat.

"If you kill me, I kill her." Her smile showed how truly she believes she has won.

"You're bluffing! Raven is real!"

"Are you sure? There has to be some reason all three of us look the same as you." Then there was Olivia standing there. She looked just like I did when I was twelve years old. She wore a spring green dress and pigtails.

"No." I start to cry. "NO!!!" The gun I had conjured up to finally rid myself of Thorn weighed like a ton in my hand. The three of them stood there together.

"It's ok." I had missed Olivia so much. "You deserve to be free of us."

"Olivia's right. I won't hold a grudge." Raven laughed with a bittersweet tone.

"Com'on Scaredy Cat, you brave enough to live without me?"


I woke up with a start. I was crying I sat up I looked at myself in the mirror. Behind me I saw their silhouettes. The mirror crumbled before me, slowly the room faded. The plush white walls seemed to close in around me. I screamed releasing all the anguish I felt.

"Well at least you still have me."

"Yeh, Vanessa, I'm glad that you're real."

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