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It took me five minutes to reach an old and rusty building, where nobody knows of it and just decided to abandon it in here. Stepping a foot inside, I silently walked down the hallways and upstairs, reaching the meeting room.

Reaching into the doorknob, I twisted it open and there revealed a long wooden table and chairs. Three each on different sides while one chair is in between. Only I, the replica of Servamp of Sloth, is late as they are now all seated in their respective seats, leaving only an empty chair in between.

"Would you look at that? You managed to arrive earlier than you usually do, nee-san!" Greed commented sarcastically, as if to mock me for arriving late on time.

"Pardon my tardiness." I stated, not bothering to start a useless argument with him as I took my seat. "Shall we start the meeting?"

Everyone nodded their heads. With the replica of Servamp of Lust, Envy and Greed on my left side, the replica of Servamp of Wrath, Gluttony and Pride is on my right side. "This meeting is all about the 8th Servamp." Pride started as he put down a brown envelope into the wooden table.

Lawless reached for it and opened it, observing it before scattering the pictures around the table. The pictures were all probably taken by Pride's subclasses, and they managed to picture Tsubaki and his subclasses professionally.

"So that's the Servamp."

"It was explained that the Servamps do not know him, nor do they remember his existence as their youngest brother and more so, the 8th Servamp of Melancholy." Pride explained as he gave Lust a glance. "Have you gathered other informations about Tsubaki in your own journey?"

The latter smiled. "Yes, I did. The Servamp of Lust and his eve comes to be knowledgable about Tsubaki. He recently just appeared and attacked the Sloth pair, Greed pair, and even caused damage to the Servamp of Pride."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. And recently, something unusual happened. It was already implied that even the Servamp of Greed had lost his powers due to his contract item being broken, but the snow and change of weather that we have seen from our premonition has not yet happened." He explained. "Which means the jjin inside him has not been fully released to force the change of season, or something is wrong with the weather itself."

"And the Servamp of Lust might be the next target, but it could be postponed for a moment." I added as I made my own observation earlier, earning confused yet curious glances from my siblings. "Tsubaki's subclass should have attacked by now, but I guess things are changing."

Everyone went silent, before Gluttony growled. "Geez, what is there even to worry about Tsubaki? I'm hungry!" He whined, rubbing his belly.

"If the Servamps are having troubles with him, that means we don't have as much a single chance against him." Wrath stated with a grimace in her face. "And he did dissapeared after that fight with the Sloth pair before. There's no way he'll decide to have a comeback or something."

"Even so, aiding to the Servamps would be the least thing we could do to be of help." Envy slowly responded, his deep voice echoed in the room.

Greed sneered at their comments as he grabbed one of Tsubaki's pictures. "Hell yeah, are you saying none of you are ever helpful or you're just too scared to do anything for this batshit situation?" Showing the picture infront of the other replicas, he tore it apart. "Either we kill him or we get ourselves killed."

𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚂𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 | 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙰𝙼𝙿Where stories live. Discover now