Cotton Candy Melt

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     In a kingdom titled as being the most festive, one on which held festivals everyday, were filled with many sounds of joy and laughter from people of every age. In every corner of the land there was an event going such as comedic stands, magicians, dances, and the lot. Today's festival was one chosen by the princess herself, one that takes place every year on her beloved birthday. This event was typically a choice favourite among many of the kids as it pertained to a sweet, this was the kingdom's annual Cotton Candy festival.

"Now welcoming our beautiful and amazing princess! (Y/N)!" One of the men shouted in honor of the princess that happened to be you. Nervously, you smiled alongside the queen with her red hair that waved slightly in the wind and grey eyes that wavered. The queen ruled the land after the king's tragic death a few years back, the citizens feared not though as the queen played a fine leader in her ruling.

      "Go and have fun. You might meet the love of your life." The queen jokingly teased you, for the most part making the situation even more uncomfortable.

     "Your majesty, would you still like us to carry out your given orders from earlier?" One of the knights standing close by asked your mother, primarily the knight that watched your back at all times. He was diligent, loyal, and strong, a man fit for the position.

      Anyone, in short range, could see the queen stiffen up from the lax way she addressed her daughter because of the knight's presence, seemingly less familiar with your chosen knight. She responded simply with a nod signaling yes, staying calm and quiet.

      The knight's question, that seemed to need a second approval, was the one to let you roam free that day. It was your birthday and roaming outside of the castle alone was typically a no go in the royal knight's eyes. That day you specifically asked to be able to roam without the need of a bodyguard and simply alone, never truly feeling free in the kingdom promised to be under your rule when the time comes.

     Before the situation even had a chance to go downhill, you snuck off into a back alley and out through a crowd of people.

       Having a second to breathe, you took in the atmosphere.

The air was ever so blissfully filled with the nice aroma of cotton candy while groups of children ran around, giggling and playing games. The adults laughed and joked around, mostly talking about the days events to come. The streets were even filled with bright light colors, most of which resided as being blue or pink taking into account the typical colors of cotton candy. The third most popular colour was white, as the colourful floss candy was originally the colour of snow. The more uncommon colours were still prominent, with fluffs ranging from lime green to the yellow of a lemon.

    Off In the distance was a suspicious mumble, quite odd considering the usual happy and confident talks of the people. Curiosity led you to find out what exactly it was about, feeling a completely different atmosphere then before. There, walking down the middle street, were three unusual looking, let's say, people.

    The most notable was a skeleton, a human one acting in a way as if they were any normal human with an afro to boot.

     The next was a larger man, not dressed at all for the occasion. This man, with his blue styled hair, he almost didn't seem human with his toy like arms.

     The last, and easiest to be overlooked, was a small and excited brown furred creature wearing a round blue and pink hat that pleasantly matched the surrounding scenery. This creature was perhaps the embodiment of cuteness itself.

       The unusual festival attendees were most definitely, without a second's or speck's worth of doubt, from another land. In this situation it was practically your duty as princess of the land to offer them a warm and heart felt welcome, seeing as others were unsure of them as expected from their exotic appearance compared to the normal residents in the festival.

Cotton Candy Melt (Chopper x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now