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I walked as the rain beneath my feet splashed. It was one of those depressing days... Grey skys, Rain on the ground, And nothing new and exciting to do. I quickly dashed in the corner store, Getting a glimpse of my soaked shaggy hair. "Hi" The cash register said. I nodded in her direction as I looked for what I needed. I regretfully grabbed a pack of smokes and walked to the cash register. I was trying to quit.. but its too hard. 

Smoke escaped from my lips as i stood in the back alley of the corner store. It was getting pretty late. I threw my cigarette on the ground and started walking Towards my appartment.

"HEY!" I heard in the distance. I decided to go follow the sound, Just cause I had time. I followed it all the way to another alley. a Light shone dimly on the dark alley and on four indivisulas. There was 3 Boys that looked my age surrounding a Girl That looked maybe.. one year younger Than me.

"Just give me back my bag... I swear il get you the money... i just dont have it right now!" She said trying to get her bag back. I silently watched the scenario... I didnt want to just pop out of no where... Those boys looked a bit "Seedy"

"Do you know how hard it is to get that stuff??!! Its HARD. And if you dont get us that money.. Bad things are coming your way!" One of the boys said. 

"Well, No Shit Surelock.... I Know its hard to get that stuff.. Just give me by next week.. I Swear." She said.

"You Said That LAST Week Too." One of the other boys said.

"I Know... I Swear il get it too you.. now get out of my face.." She said waving them off. I watched as the three boys threw her bag on the round and walked away.

"God Dammit" She said as she paced back and fourth.

She had Jet Black Hair, Peircing Blue Eyes, A Visible Lip Peircing, Dark Lips, And  Almost White Pale Skin.

She Was Beautiful.

Thats When I accidently kicked a rock. She Looked In my direction.

"Uh.. H-Hi" I Stammered. Trying to make it not seem like i was just stalking her.

"What do you want" She said sternly. picking up her soaked bag

"N-Nothing!" I Said staring at the ground.

"I Dont have any "Stuff" So.." She said looking at me with her intense eyes.

"I Dont want "Stuff"..." I Said Wondering If She Ment Drugs Or Something.

"Nevermind... Forget I Said That." She said as she started walking away.

 After That, I Walked Home In The Rain..... But I Couldent Take Her Out My Mind.

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