my life

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Hi, there, my name is janessa, I'm 12, I just came to America, I'm originally from Argentina , but my parents are both African that's why I have dark skin. know to speak Spanish, like almost every body else here ha, I didn't expected that from you America .Do you think schools in real re not like schools in television? Well, what they are, at least mine. I'm not going to lie to you I'm a nerd, I don't like to go to parties or taking selfies or anithing a normal popular 12 year old girl does this days, people calmed ugly I cry for that, not because what they said hurt me I cry because that's the moment when people really care about me. They say " oh, who insulted you" " oh, what happened to you" that's when I feel acepted. welcome to my life hope you are prepared.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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