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[this is a one shot]


a girl was sat on top of a hospital roof, the harsh winds pinching at her cheeks and scraping the waterline of her eyes to make them water. her unruly hair whipped around her face, no matter how many times she tried pushing it behind her ear, it just wouldn't stay. her hair was ugly, and dark, and curly, and she hated it.

she hates herself.

with her feet dangling off the edge of the roof, she felt free. free from the evil that was going on behind her, which lurked the hospital corridors and more specifically, her room. a private room, because her parents were rich and they could afford that. however, they couldn't afford their daughters happiness, which mattered more than a stupid private room where you get the exact same treatment that people in shared rooms, or wards got.

but, jade didn't care. she only stayed in her room when it was mandatory anyway, and when it wasn't she would retreat to the roof: the place she claimed when she was checked in five years ago. a small girl of fourteen with big brown eyes and a persona that screamed butter wouldn't melt. but it would, and it was only a matter of time before she would snap again.

now she stood a whole three inches taller at the age of nineteen, and that was only five foot five. how she loathed the girls with long shiny legs and beautiful smiles in the magazines that her councillor brought in for her. but she didn't think much of her looks, really. because she simply didn't care.

her grubby white converse cladded feet swung slowly in the air, and her tanned legs were visible in a pair of denim shorts. summer in england wasn't necessarily hot, but this year round they were experiencing a heat wave, and she felt suffocated in jeans and leggings like she usually wore, so she begged her mother to buy her some shorts, when she didn't need to beg really because her mum had more money than she knew what to do with.

that's why she was put in this hospital.

and jade hated her for it.

jade. jade. jade.

in spanish decent, the meaning of the name is jewel. jade wasn't spanish, and she had no spanish family in her, but her mum thought it was a nice name, and she loved her precious jewel.

her precious jewel who turned out to be not so precious after all.

jade shakes her head at the memories of her mum and frowns, watching as the traffic whizzes by below her. the cars didn't look like ants, like most people say, but they were far away enough that you couldn't see who drove them. and that was enough for jade, because then they couldn't see her and let a member of staff know. that is, if anyone cared about the patients in cygnet hospital.

whilst jade watched the cars, listened to the beep of the horns and watched the pollution rise in the air until it became invisible, a boy came creeping behind her with a frown set on his face. he barely even registered the dark haired girl with fair skin and goosebumps on her arms in front of him, but simply focused on the crisp air around him.

jade didn't even notice as the boy sat down right next to her, so close that if he moved any closer, he'd nudge into her and she'd go falling down through the air and splat right on to the pavement below her. she didn't even bat and eyelid at the thought.

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