Blacks the Color of Death

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This is for you spongebob I love you and your obsession with Harry Potter. xD

A boy of only three sat rigid as his parents came in the room. They turned to him prepared to ask if he had heard what his older brother had gone an done now, but the older brother stormed in the room and threw his trunk, and books at his parents. The two Adult wizards easily cast the trunk and belongs aside. They were furious at the boy. He had only just gotten a long monologue ten minutes before on how he was supposed to act and all that. The boy didn't seem to mind the two wizard as he sat down next to his younger brother.

"Hey Reg, you want some chocolate frogs? I got them just for you. I know how you love them." The older boy pulled out the thing that had made his pocket bulge so much and handed it to the younger boy. Who immediately ripped open the package and chomp off the head in a loud crunch. The room was silent as the older boy eagerly wait for the younger one to finish the famous candy. The younger boy smiled widely to his older brother, which wiped some of the stress off the other boys face. The older boy just as soon popped a dirt jellybean in his mouth and threw the younger one another frog to chomp on.

The two boys were so engrossed in what they were doing they had forgotten about the two adults standing in their room. "Sirius Orion Black, you are in so much trouble, young man. How dared you converse with that filthy muddblood and his blood traitor father. How dare you make your father and I look like fools. You'er grounded for the rest of your life you insufferable prat you. You no flu, no going out side and certainly no candy and you're to clean the bathrooms for a week! Do you hear me?" The older boy stood up wide eyed at the wizard in front of him, his mother. How could she do this too him? He'd only said two words and look what had happen to him. This is why he never said anything. He'd keep his trap shut, but the boy and his father they were just so nice.

He couldn't help but let those two words slip out, if only on accident. Those two polite words that any sane person should say, but apparently his mother was not so sane after all. She'd gone red when he'd said that, a polite boy of only 9 didn't know better than what his mother and father had taught him.

They'd taught him to be polite to nice people or so he thought. He must have gotten the nice part wrong. No. No. He was sure he got that right. So then what was it that was bad about him saying those two words, that his mum and dad used all the time. The words: Thank You.

A/N- ok so I just recently got in to Harry Potter so I couldn't just not write this fanfic. I have been wanting to write it for while now I know I should finish my other story's but I just needed to write this. I think I might just leave it like this. I was going to write a full story but I just don't have the time. so if you like comment vote or fan whatever you like

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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