Chapter 1

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So imma start off with introducing myself and what I do etc...

Sooo my name is Aaliyah . I'm 19 years old, about 5'5 an average size. I'm not thick at all, I'm actually well you can say I'm fat. A big bone, well a huge one. And well I think I'm not perfect. Since I don't look like everyone else. I'm light skinned and for my nationality I think I am too white. I'm African America, and Mexican.

I see at the pretty females like a model and everyone else who's a perfect size, and well I look at myself and I'm just fat and ugly. It's not my fault I've been fat all my life.

Okay so since I was a kid in Elementry school, I've been bullied. Till now I still get bullied while I'm in college as a freshman. I'm just not the right girl for anyone and I don't consider myself the right size.

I go to college to get my education farther then it is. I'm going for my singing and of course art. It's what I do best and no one can take that from me. Not even how I look is going to stop me from wat I love to do.

Okay so to tell you a little about my family. Soo let's see where I would start. I lived with both of my parents all my life. They've had their ups and downs, and been thru a lot and also me with them. My dad is an achoholic and also a smoker, he's addicted to it and I don't think he will ever quit that life.

My mother, well she gets hit by my dad a lot. He hits her when she gets out, or when she talks to other people. My dad can be a bitch to her at a lot of times. I try and help her as much as I can so he won't hit her. My mom says I shouldn't get in between since it's not a good idea.

My dad always told me my whole life I'm fat and will never be someone in life. That I will never find someone special for me because of the way I looked. That I'm useless and all that.

I am currently trying to show him that I can do good and better even by the way I look. Show him that you can be someone in life by any size or looks.

No one knows my secrets and all people have done to me was bullied and judge me. I want people to know that I am human too and have feelings. Just like I have feelings for this one guy name Trey. Ever since I was in Elementry school, I remembered him never noticing me. To him I know I don't exist. Plus he has all these pretty girls on him, and me well I would never cross his mind. If you ask me, he's pretty cute.

As I got dressed for school I spaced of thinking about how my life is set up as. I hate it with all my life, I hate the way I look and feel. Why wouldn't I look like every other pretty female, and not like this?

I mean I wanna wear cute clothes too. Tank tops, cute tops, skirts, dresses, all that. I always wanted to get my hips or bellybutton pierced. The way I look makes that not close to possible to me getting it.

Ever had a fantasy? Like what if you looked like this and that would happen. Would you accept it or rather be yourself? I get that a lot.

What If . . . what if I was the size I dreamed of? Will I have a chance with Trey? or will it be the same way?

Trey did notice me before when one of his exs was trynna bully me. He stepped in and said " Please leave her alone, are you hating on her you need to talk shxt to her? She wasn't doing anything to anyone. I don't ever want to see any of you bitches bullying Aaliyah. "

Okay well did I mention he's like my bestfriend? No? Okay well he is, and he is there for me as a friend. Known him for my whole life, but he don't notice me nothing more then a friend. I never told him how I really felt, because I don't want to fuck up my friendship with him and don't wanna get laughed at.

As soon as I got ready for school I walked downstairs and left thru the front door. I seen Trey waiting for me to give me a ride like always. He's the one that taught me how to drive when I was 15, we've had soo many good memories that I will never ever forget. Maybe that's the reason I secretly love him? I won't tell him anytime soon tho.

As he pulled up to the parking lot I seen his ex and Trey looked over at me and said " Ali, just ignore her. You know she's mad cause your my bestfriend. You're beautiful, don't let her put you down. " He smiled at me and we got out his car.

He hugged me and started walking to my class.

I recieved a mesg and looked at it "Ali I have basketball practice today, but I can give you a lift home before I go to it. "

While smiling and walking to class I replied " It's okay, I'll go watch you practice. "

" Okay, see you later Ali :) " He replied asap.

I looked up from my phone smiling and seen my second bestfriend waiting for me in front of our classroom.

" Soooo Ali, why you smiling for? Something good happened with Trey? " She said smiling

" He just texted me and it made me smile. That's all Kaykay. " I said cheesing helluh hard.

We walked in class and sat in the front like always.

Yes, we're nerds, but hey! Everyone in college is, so that don't matter right?

Anyways. . .

I went thru my bag to look for my artwork I've been working on for hours now. I found my art folder and took it out my bag. I opened it and Kaykay smiled at me and said "Yeah and y'all just 'Friends' " She said putting quotations around friends.

" Kaykay we are just friends. " Can't a girl dream?

She had seen my drawing of me and Trey kissing. I had kinda went overborad and added myself as a thinner girl.

As soon as I was about to put my work away, his ex came and seen it.

" Ahwww Alu is that suppose to be you? I think it looks more like me and Trey. Don't worry I'll let him know you're drawing us. " She said while walking to go sit down and started laughing.

I felt foolish, stupid, dumb, all because of my feelings for Trey.

I didn't feel like being in school so I walked home.

I texted Trey " I'm sorry, no need to give me a ride later on back home, I'm actually walking home right now, don't bother texting back just letting you know. " With that said, tears started running down my cheeks, my ugly fat cheeks.

I couldn't take it anymore, fuck my life, fuck this.

I got home and ran straight upstairs to my bed and started crying my fatass off. . .

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Aaliyah- Has a crush on Trey
Trey- Aaliyah Bestfriend
Kaykay- Aaliyah second bestie
Angel- Trey ex girlfriend

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