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"You're really going to help?" Mahiru asked as soon as he knew of the situation about my meeting together with my siblings.

I sighed, still stuck in my cat form. "Yea."

"That's great news! We've been curious whether Tsubaki will return or not. But still, being careful won't hurt." He blabbered, making me heave out another sigh.

Ever since he found out I'm not an ordinary cat, he would also pester me even with the simple things. I prefer my life being treated as a real cat than now, but there's no chance of me ever returning to that point in time.

"What a pain." I muttered to myself, before balancing on top of his head while Kuro sat on Mahiru's shoulder. This guy is a fast runner, but his balance isn't steady enough that I'm struggling so hard to stay still.

I wonder where he is going. They just finished meeting up and discussing things about Tsubaki a few days ago. Are they going to talk about that again? Oh, or are they going to school?

Wait, it's Saturday tho...

Should I even ask him? Meh, that's bothersome.

I'm certain the premonition Lust and the rest of us had seen is about to happen, but the fact that it changed even for a bit of time is making me confused. A premonition means you can have a view of what's about to come.

But if that situation you've seen has changed without even doing anything, is it possible there is someone else who knows it too?

Then, who is it? We made sure to only talk about it as siblings, and never share a bit of information even to their subclasses. So, am I to consider that maybe one of us is a traitor?

Sighing again, I shook my head. Thinking about it is making me even lazy than before. What would any of them even benefit if they decide to betray us and change the situation from the foretold premonition?

"Oi, blacky."

I snapped, staring down towards another black ball of fur who called me blacky instead of my given name. "It's Kurona to you, Kuro."

"It's the same."

"Not it's not."

"How troublesome I could die."

"You're bothersome I could die."

Mahiru seems to get annoyed from our bickering, making him face us with an irk mark on his forehead. "Quit it, you guys! We have a lot to do this day!"

I creased my forehead, staring down at him as I scurried on his head. Seriously, this kid can't even realize how hard I'm struggling to keep my balance. "What do you mean we have a lot to do this day?" I questioned, red orbs intensely staring at him.

Kuro seems to be waiting for his eve's response as well, staring at him boredly. "Well, Tetsu invited Misono, Licht and I to their family's bath so..."

"Ah, I'll pass." I quickly retorted. Here I thought he had mistakenly woken up to go to school on Saturday, turns out he just wants to go to a hut sauna? Meh, I can't face this.

"What? But is that even possible?" Mahiru asked in confusion. "Don't we have a—"

"A distance limit?" I finished the sentence for him before I shook my head. "Nope. There isn't, really. You're not my eve, and I don't want to consider you as one either."

𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚂𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 | 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙰𝙼𝙿Where stories live. Discover now